
Pool on Bin Laden Tape

We only have a few more days to the election, how about a pool on when the Osama bin Laden Tape will emerge.
I will put up a ten spot, on Thursday to be redeemed at the Boulder Drinking Liberally. The White House doesn't want it to get dumped along with all the bad news on take out the trash day.

For the historical record, I assume that the NSA will have a tape of Karl's conversation with Osama bin Laden's media guy. After all Bush said that he wanted to hear people talk to terrorists. But I don't think that a subpoena from Waxman will get it. Can you say "18 minute gap ?"

Of course, I could be wrong.

The 04 one came out on

October 29, 2004, at 21:00 GMT which is about 4 Eastern time on Friday before the election and caused all the talk to be about whether he (bin Laden) was supporting Bush or Kerry. . Just in time for the GOTV weekend and apparently marked the beginning of the fabled 72 hour plan.

Of course Karl has a little problem, in that his influence with Osama is not what it used to be. Karl has already supplied all the recruits a man could want and somehow I don't think Osama is going to respond to the normal Rove charm. or to quote The Wikipedia

Karl Rove er kjent for sitt sterke temperament og bruk av banneord. Et hyppig gjengitt eksempel er sitatet: "We will f*ck him like he's never been f*cked before."

Incidently the Norwegian for Wikipedia is Wikipedia.

See also in English.

No, I think it was one of those "what have you done for me lately" conversations. Then there is the matter of what the script should be. "Oh God, Oh God, we are hurting because of Iraq ?" No, I think that's our line. What would Karl want him to say beyond, "I'm Ned Lamont and I approve this message."

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When will the Osama Tape Emerge
Wednesday 0%
Thursday 100%
Friday 0%
Saturday 0%
Sunday 0%
Monday 0%
Election Day 0%
Osama Bin Forgotten 0%

Votes: 1
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    my vote (none / 0) (#1)
    by scribe on Thu Nov 02, 2006 at 10:51:42 AM EST
    is Thursday, November 2, 2006 at 2 PM ET.

    It's also the same date and time I called weeks ago.

    That timing gives enough time for it to make the nightly news, not enough time for the media to report the provenance of the tape, enough time to gear up the Noise Machine, enough time to find someone at CIA to say it sounds like OBL's voice*, and enough time to whip the base into a frenzy with fear-laden comments while shifting from "All Kerry Stupid All the Time" to "OBL's Comin' to Getcha!" (TM)

    Fer sherr the data lines between The Home Office and that half-buried shipping container on Kwajelin where Rover and his have set up the OBL Blue-sheet backdrop theater have been burning with script revisions these last couple weeks.... But, shoot, that's why they pay the script doctors the big bucks....

    *  Called to mind is the image of the old RCA logo, the dog listening to "his master's voice" coming from the victrola....