
Lack of Progress Seen in Shutting Down Bush's Warantless Wiretapping Program

It's been almost a year since the public learned of President Bush's warrantless NSA electronic surveillance program.

Under the Republican leadership in Congress, nothing much happened to shut it down. A lot of bad bills, such as Sen. Arlen Specter's, were tossed around but went nowhere.

What will change in January when Democrats have a majority in Congress? Not enough, from my vantage point, but here's the lowdown:

While the Democrats have vowed to press for more facts about the operation, they are of mixed minds about additional steps.

Some favor an aggressive strategy that would brand the program illegal and move to ban it even as the courts consider its legality. Others are more cautious, emphasizing the rule of law but not giving Republicans the chance to accuse them of depriving the government of important anti-terrorism tools.

Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, who will take over as House speaker in January, favors an investigation to determine how the security agency’s program actually operated and what its legal framework is under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, a senior aide to Ms. Pelosi said.

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    What a bunch of friggin' wusses (5.00 / 1) (#3)
    by Edger on Sun Nov 26, 2006 at 07:42:39 AM EST
    Some [Democrats] favor an aggressive strategy ... Others are more cautious ... not giving Republicans the chance to accuse them of depriving the government of important anti-terrorism tools.

    [Pelosi] favors an investigation

    It's getting to the point where I almost have to hold my nose and use the most whiney wheedling petulant voice I can to say: [Pelosi] favors an investigation. I don't see anything resembling aggressive rhetoric or intention coming from her.

    She seems to favor nothing but investigations. The longer drawn out ones the better, apparently.

    What the hell are they so afraid of republicans for? In any battle of wits or discussion of competence or question of maliciousness or any kind of moral showdown they can mop the floor with the republicans. Which is what they should be doing.

    Christ, instead of running away whimpering and scared of republicans worn out "emboldening the terrists" bullsh*t they should be going after republicans, and Bush especially for consorting with the enemy, FFS.


    Forget the centrist bullsh*t which is just another way of selling your soul, start growing some fuc*king cohones and do what you know needs to be done for a hundred reasons including NSA wiretapping.

    Impeach the corksucker. He should be given a fair trial, than hung, drawn & quartered, his parts put on pikes, and placed in strategic locations around the perimeter of Washington, as a warning to others. (thx, cpinva)

    You don't try to appease cockroaches... (none / 0) (#4)
    by Edger on Sun Nov 26, 2006 at 08:00:29 AM EST
    ...you step on them, squash them, and do your best eradicate them. And every time they come back you do it again. What is so hard to understand about this?

    That seems reasonable (none / 0) (#1)
    by plumberboy on Sat Nov 25, 2006 at 06:17:35 AM EST
    I think Nancy Pelosi idea sounds good investigate and see if the program operated with in the confines of the law.My only skepticism is will they really investigate or will it get railroaded in a sort of political bargaining match.I do think they need to take a hard look at this and prosecute anyone who broke the law.The idea of privacy is at the heart of our freedom and I think programs like this put it in jeopardy.

    Cheney has already stated the he will not... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Bill Arnett on Sat Nov 25, 2006 at 01:36:00 PM EST
    ...respond to any subpoenas issued to him and I imagine bush will refuse any subpoenas issued to him OR any of the agencies that the executive branch controls.

    That means dems will have to fight tooth-and-nail for any information until they issue subpoenas for people who cannot ignore a congressional summons and put them under oath to pry testimony from them.

    Even that may not do any good in light of the administrations "permission to lie" decree (remember the phone companies were specifically authorized to lie about their involvement in warrantless wiretapping).

    BUT, at least congress can now protect whistleblowers, of whom I am sure there are many, and in that manner obtain the truth.