
Is the GOP Trying to Suppress Democratic Votes?

From esteemed appellate lawyer Peter G. in the comments:

In Pennsylvania, where I live, the Republican committees are working as hard as they can, not so much to get out their vote as to suppress and discourage ours. They are flooding Democratic households, particularly those with regular voters, with telephone robocalls which begin: "I'm calling with important information about {name of Democratic candidate}." Identical calls are placed repeatedly to the same household, often at inconvenient or even disruptive hours (late at night). The calls violate election law by failing to identify up front who sponsored them. Many people think the calls are in support of the named candidate, but in fact the message is deceptive and false. Thus, if the caller hangs up right away in frustration, s/he is likely to think the Dem is to blame; this is the goal, to make people mad and reluctant to vote for the candidate. Or if they listen, they are being bombarded with a negative message.

Similarly, we have received four 6×11 mailings with headlines like "There is no difference between Rick Santorum and Bob Casey on the right to choose." These purport to be from a fake organization called the "Progressive Policy Council" which in fact is a rethuglican front in Virginia. They are designed to encourage progressives to skip the Senate lever when casting their votes Tuesday.

Only if moderate Dem Casey (who is in fact anti-choice on abortion, alas) receives many fewer votes than will the top of the ticket, popular incumbent Governor Ed Rendell, does ultraconservative Santorum have a chance at re-election. The Rovian strategy, in PA at least, is thus aimed at reducing the democratic vote, as much as at encouraging his own.

Anyone else have similar experiences?

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    Supporting Links for my comment (none / 0) (#1)
    by Peter G on Sat Nov 04, 2006 at 08:41:52 PM EST
    Thanks for boosting my comment, TL.  For the skeptics (if any), here are some links:  For backup on the claim that repeated robocalls are being used to suppress the Democratic vote, look here.  For the scoop on the phony "Progressive  Policy Council," check out this, this, and this.