
Where Are They Now? Chalabi

Chalabi speaks:

"The real culprit in all this is Wolfowitz," Chalabi says, referring to his erstwhile backer, the former deputy secretary of defense, Paul Wolfowitz. "They chickened out. The Pentagon guys chickened out." Chalabi still considers Wolfowitz a friend, so he proceeds carefully. America's big mistake, Chalabi maintains, was in failing to step out of the way after Hussein's downfall and let the Iraqis take charge. The Iraqis, not the Americans, should have been allowed to take over immediately - the people who knew the country, who spoke the language and, most important, who could take responsibility for the chaos that was unfolding in the streets. An Iraqi government could have acted harshly, even brutally, to regain control of the place, and the Iraqis would have been without a foreigner to blame. They would have appreciated the firm hand.

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    Your hand, Mr. Chalabi, right? (none / 0) (#1)
    by aw on Sat Nov 04, 2006 at 09:47:10 PM EST
    Another crook with a dream.

    wasn't that....................... (none / 0) (#2)
    by cpinva on Sat Nov 04, 2006 at 10:31:37 PM EST
    pretty much what they already had, with saddam hussein? and the difference would have been............what, exactly?

    this whole administration is a complete, total embarrassment, to the american people and to history. teapot dome pales by comparison. the grant administration was wholesome, compared to the vast, black hole of venality and corruption that is the bush administration, and the republican congress.

    vietnam was entered into, by the eisenhower administration, for semi-legitimate reasons: we had a treaty with south vietnam, and the "domino theory", maligned though it is today, had some currency back in '57, based on what had happened in eastern europe, after wwII.

    none of this is true, with regards to iraq. a war of choice, based on a foundation of shifting sand; lies that had been pounded into the american consciousness since the summer of '02: that saddam had a functioning nuclear weapons research program which, left unmolested, would shortly result in a mushroom cloud over manhatten.

    all of it fed by guys like chalabi, who saw this administration as his meal ticket back to iraq, as a player. find him, put him up against a wall, and dispose of him, before he can cause any more damage, to anyone.

    it's the only way to be sure.

    CP states the obvious (none / 0) (#3)
    by Che's Lounge on Sun Nov 05, 2006 at 11:33:49 AM EST
    pretty much what they already had, with saddam hussein? and the difference would have been............what, exactly?

    The wet dream was a puppet government on a pool of precious crude oil. Saddam was our supplier until he went all delinquent on us. And in true addict style, we (the restless consumers) just acted without thinking and now everything is FUBAR. It's always the same old story with addicts. When will we have our moment of clarity? Certainly not on Tuesday.

    Chalabi too, states the obvious. The consumate enabler. You F**ked up Chalabi. You trusted us.

    Iraqis (none / 0) (#4)
    by Al on Sun Nov 05, 2006 at 11:33:57 AM EST
    America's big mistake, Chalabi maintains, was in failing to step out of the way after Hussein's downfall and let the Iraqis take charge.

    By Iraqis, of course, he means Chalabi. And by stepping out of the way, of course, he certainly didn't mean the American army.