
Crist Runs Away From Bush

The president can still find enthusiastic audiences for his "stay the course but adapt to win" and "Democrats want the terrorists to prevail" messages. He found one in Pensacola, where he had kind words to say about Charlie Crist and Katherine Harris. Harris was in the audience (if you were the president, would you want to share a stage with Katherine Harris?), but not Crist.

[Crist] said he considered the Pensacola area so firmly in his camp that it made more sense to campaign elsewhere as the race tightened to replace outgoing Gov. Jeb Bush.

Translation: I think I'm winning this election, and I don't want to blow it by sharing a stage with President Bush or an audience with Katherine Harris.

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    if i were crist................ (none / 0) (#1)
    by cpinva on Tue Nov 07, 2006 at 12:04:05 AM EST
    i might want to rethink my aversion to human cloning! lol

    seriously, right now, bush reminds me of terrell owens: a guy who's toxic to his own team.

    i'm certain mr. crist had a good excuse for not being there: he suddenly remembered he was supposed to have lunch with his mom at the same time!

    that's too funny, about harris, the only republican possibly even more raidoactive than bush right now!