
Exit Polls!

Nothing on specific races, but, Bill Schneider of CNN says that 62% of voters disappproved of Congress, 36% approved.

Important issues - 42% corruption, 40% terrorism, 39% economy, and Iraq 37%. Hard to say what that finding is about. The methodology was pretty bad.

What was the most important issue? This poll question can't say.

Here's a good one - "Q - What mattered most to your votes? A - 62% National issues, 33% local issues."

Nationalizing the election is good for Dems and I would add this, this is agreat stand-in for Republican vs. Dem - most understood that Dems wanted to nationalize the election while the GOP wanted to focus on a race by race basis. Not one to one but probably pretty close.

Tea leaving reading I'll grant you, but this bodes well for Dems.

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    A - 62% National issues... (none / 0) (#1)
    by Edger on Tue Nov 07, 2006 at 04:48:36 PM EST
    ...means the Democrats manged to define the main issue, no? No yee-haws yet, but maybe a little yip! is in order.