
Dobson Can't Make Time For Haggard

Mike Jones exposed Ted Haggard's sad hypocrisy to more than one media outlet before the story finally broke. Jones talked to Patricia Calhoun, who recounts the experience here.

The exemplary Christian James Dobson doesn't have time to join Haggard's salvation panel. Other prominent evangelists are convening to save Haggard from his wicked ways, but Dobson backed out. Isn't Dobson supposed to Focus on the Family? Haggard's family doesn't warrant his brotherly love?

Here's one view of the "counseling" that might be in Haggard's future.

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    Dobson backed out (none / 0) (#1)
    by aw on Thu Nov 09, 2006 at 07:01:38 PM EST
    for the simple reason that he knows it won't work.  They know very well you can't make a gay man straight.  This would just be a really public failure.

    An Open Letter to Ted Haggard (none / 0) (#2)
    by marcadams on Sat Nov 11, 2006 at 03:23:05 AM EST
    An Open Letter to Ted Haggard

    November 2006

    Dear Ted,

    There comes a time in every man's life where his true character is allowed
    to show.  I've never met you but from the events over the past years of
    your life, it would be safe for me to say that this is your time.

    Struggling with being gay is nothing new.  In fact, for millions of people
    around the world, through every place and time, people have struggled to
    understand their homosexuality.

    The most common reaction to this fight is to find something to blame for
    the struggle.  As a former fundamentalist Baptist Christian, I struggled
    for many years as a young gay man.  I was taught that my family structure,
    coupled with my inability to resist Satan was the cause for my giving in
    to homosexuality.

    It was much easier for me to find something to blame my homosexuality on
    than to look into my heart and find that being gay was as much a
    reflection of my true self as my sister's heterosexuality was a reflection
    of her true self.

    This is your moment for you to show your true character; to stand and be a
    real man and learn how to accept yourself and respect yourself as you are.

    Reparative/restorative therapy does not work.  You can convince yourself,
    your family and friends that you have changed your behavior over time.  In
    fact, you can manipulate your brain enough to actually believe that your
    faith in God will help you with overcoming what you view as a sin.

    Your own personal history has already shown that regardless of your faith,
    regardless of your desire to be a heterosexual and regardless of your
    attempts to build a heterosexual life, you are not a heterosexual.

    Discovering that is not a reason for sorrow, remorse or shame.  Rather, it
    is a time to reflect, count your blessings and find a way to move into a
    place of self acceptance.

    You may want to try reparative/restorative therapy since it has already
    begun for you.  But keep in mind as you go through the process, that while
    your family, church, accountability partners and others may not see your
    reality, every single person who has ever struggled to find a place of
    self acceptance knows exactly what you are going through.  We know what it
    is you will be thinking about when you are alone.  We know how easy it is
    to think about ending your life rather than moving into a place of self

    Believe it or not, your struggle, and the recent events regarding your
    removal from religious leadership can be the catalyst that allows you to
    be a real man and stand for what you know in your heart has always been
    true and real for you.

    Instead of continuing the charades and duality in your life (yes, many of
    us have lived that way as well), you can begin your life anew.  A life
    lived honestly and with confidence is the best life to live.

    Forgiveness for your past of deception and your deadly anti-gay words is
    fairly easy to come by.  But you have to take that first step, which is

    You are not alone.

    Over the past ten years, HeartStrong has helped many hundreds of people
    who have attended religious schools like yourself.  And, we are here to
    help you now.

    Your friend on the journey,

    Marc Adams