
How Big A Jerk?

It so happens I am not a big fan of Michael Crowley's work - his dismissiveness of the Netroots in particular - but Michael Crichton's attack is so below the belt that it is jaw dropping.

What a jerk.

More here.

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    I don't really have any problem with... (none / 0) (#1)
    by Bill Arnett on Thu Dec 14, 2006 at 12:07:39 PM EST
    ...any of these guys disparaging and insulting people ostensibly on the same side.

    I love to see the fractures in the icy heart of the GOP and I hope Crowley and Crichton will continue to insult one another and drive wedges even further between them.

    We already knew that the rethugs ate their young and cannibalized their elders, but this is too sweet to NOT enjoy: bush's chief scientific consultant savaging a GOP shill. Fight on!

    Bush Loves Fiction (none / 0) (#2)
    by squeaky on Thu Dec 14, 2006 at 12:13:15 PM EST