
The Fatuity of Frank Rich

Frank Rich has been a very good columnist of late. But he was not always so. And it is columns like his most recent that remind us that he is still capaable of extreme fatuousness:

[I]n Time’s defense, let me say that the more I reflected on its 2006 Person of the Year — or perhaps the more that Mylar cover reflected back at me — the more I realized that the magazine wasn’t as out of touch as it first seemed. Time made the right choice, albeit for the wrong reasons. As our country sinks deeper into a quagmire — and even a conclusive Election Day repudiation of the war proves powerless to stop it — we the people, and that includes, yes, you, will seek out any escape hatch we can find. In the Iraq era, the dropout nostrums of choice are not the drugs and drug culture of Vietnam but the equally masturbatory and narcissistic (if less psychedelic) pastimes of the Internet. Why not spend hour upon hour passionately venting in the blogosphere, as Time suggests, about our “state of mind or the state of the nation or the steak-frites at the new bistro down the street”? Or an afternoon surfing from video to video on YouTube, where short-attention-span fluff is infinite? It’s more fun than the nightly news, which, as Laura Bush reminded us this month, has been criminally lax in unearthing all those “good things that are happening” in Baghdad.

Who does Rich think he is describing there? His Johnny Come Lateliness to understanding what Bush is is great and all, but he was part of the problem when Bush was [s]elected. Bob Somerby has documented it and asked this:

Why has a “liberal” like Rich been so tough on Gore through the years? Why did he invent Love Story in 1997? Throughout the course of Campaign 2000, why did he keep pretending that Bush and Gore were a perfectly-matched pair of bumblers? When Gore spoke out on Iraq in 2002, why did Rich attack him again (inventing his facts as he went)? And in his new column, just two weeks ago, why did he nit-pick those ludicrous complaints about Gore? For example, why did he pretend—in that pathetic example—that Gore “waffled” on creationism in 1999? For the most part, readers have no way to evaluate such claims. Why does Rich just keep making them up?

So we DO know the blogs are good for calling exhalted columnists on their hypocritical nonsense at the least. You won't get THAT in the MSM, Frank.

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    I just got his book (none / 0) (#1)
    by vwbug on Sat Dec 23, 2006 at 11:19:31 PM EST
    Actually I originally bought it for a present and was looking through it and got to reading it and was totally caught up in it.
    The first 2 chapters he is spot on.  He is a great observer and is fun to read.

    Rich is too clever to be helpful. (none / 0) (#2)
    by Marjorie G on Sun Dec 24, 2006 at 02:07:44 AM EST
    I was reading everyone carefully in 2004, thinking that Rich was not just equal opportunity sarcastic, but unusually unfair to John Kerry. A purveyor of right wing talking points as much as anyone. Except maybe for Maureen Dowd.

    Sensing it was personal, and not knowing why, maybe jealousy, maybe Maureen spurned in not getting a date.

    I listened to two interviews revealing as much about wanting a third act to Rich's book, or preferring the copy of a Bush, than having to take a Kerry presidency seriously.

    If they weren't so gratuitously negative, I'd say they were operatives. I think they are just too self-servingly careerists.

    Not understanding what it takes to win in a campaign of fear during a misunderstood war, would not be an excuse. We could have used their help. Just by being fair.

    oh, that's........................rich! (none / 0) (#3)
    by cpinva on Sun Dec 24, 2006 at 11:25:15 AM EST
    sorry, low hanging fruit. lol

    mr. rich fancies himself the purveyor of great intellectual insights. in truth, he's a twit. probably always has been. most likely got beat up a lot in school, by those who quickly grasped his fatuousness.

    he, and his evil twin "skippy" maureen dowd, along with their bloviating, gasbag "liberal" media cohort, are in large part responsible for the current mess we find ourselves in today: bush, iraq, the deficit/national debt, the list goes on.

    so, the decent thing for rich, and dowd as well, to do, would be to find high bridges and end it all. it would be none too soon.

    it would be the right thing to do.