
Roots Remembered

According to NPR, 30 years ago this week, ABC's mini-series Roots was first broadcast.  This series was one of the most watched in television history.  

Roots had a tremendous impact not just on blacks but also on whites.  I have a personal recollection about the impact of that series.  About a week or two after the series was shown, the Ku Klux Klan came to town and were planning on marching downtown.  A small group of lefties planned on a nonviolent counterdemonstration.  The actual turnout was a shock to me.  People came out in droves, both whites and blacks.  Each Klan member found himself surrounded by about twenty or thirty anti-Klan locals.  It was a glorious day.  The Klan hasn't been back since.  I can't help but think that the series Roots played a role in the large anti-Klan turnout.

Unfortunately, in the vast wasteland that is television, series like Roots are the exception rather than the rule but just think of the possibilities if it wasn't.  Imagine . . .


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