
Dodd Opposes Mukasey

Dodd says:

Mr. Mukasey's position that the President does not have to heed the law disqualifies him from being the chief attorney for the United States. We have seen for too long, and at great expense to our national security, an Administration that has systematically attacked the rule of law and turned our Justice Department into a political wing of the White House. I'm afraid that Mr. Mukasey as Attorney General would be more of the same.

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    Could you actually quote (1.00 / 0) (#5)
    by jimakaPPJ on Tue Oct 30, 2007 at 08:11:12 AM EST
    where Mukasey says that the President doesn't have to obey the law??

    Color me skeptical, but I just don't see him having done that.

    BTW - The DOJ and the AG aren't supposed to define the laws, that is the job of Congress. So instead of asking Mukasey what's illegal, why don't they pass a law???

    jim, they already did. (none / 0) (#6)
    by cpinva on Tue Oct 30, 2007 at 11:55:42 AM EST
    perhaps you missed it, it's known as the geneva conventions. it defines the proper treatment of prisoners taken during wartime. now, you do have to decide whether or not you're at war.

    according to you, and our president, we are. it's a "war against terrorism", not to mention afghanistan & iraq. having taken the mantle of "commander-in-chief", and proclaiming himself a "wartime president", he's estopped from not accepting the responsibility that goes along with it, by claiming it doesn't count for some prisoners. he doesn't get to make that distinction.

    there are actually a couple of other treaties that define torture, that the US is a signatory to, i just don't feel like looking them up. i'm sure someone else here has them readily at hand.


    Heh (1.00 / 0) (#7)
    by jimakaPPJ on Tue Oct 30, 2007 at 05:26:16 PM EST
    and maybe tehe.

    And 10 style points for not answering the question and changing the subject.

    Let me guess. Janet Reno for AG?



    FWIW: TPM reports Obama will vote no (none / 0) (#1)
    by Molly Bloom on Mon Oct 29, 2007 at 06:23:21 PM EST

    on Mukasey For AG

    "We urgently need an Attorney General who will check the vast and unconstrained executive powers that have been accumulated under the Bush-Cheney Administration. Judge Mukasey has failed to send a clear signal that he understands the legal and moral issues that are at stake for our country, and so I cannot support him.

    Of course, "some people say" TPM is an extremist website...

    so, you think bush will (none / 0) (#3)
    by cpinva on Mon Oct 29, 2007 at 10:43:19 PM EST
    be in the least bit deterred? he'll just nominate some regent law school graduate, or appoint an interim USA.

    much as i hate to say this (but i will anyway), impeachment is beginning to look like a viable alternative. yes, i know it will fail, but it will keep bush busy for a while.

    My eyebrows continue flying 6-12 in above forehead (none / 0) (#4)
    by Ellie on Tue Oct 30, 2007 at 06:52:40 AM EST
    Now the same retroactive immunity (designed to maintain the coverup for those granting it) that is being rammed through for FISA abuses is being attempted for Blackwater criminality.

    I know it's par for this oafish squatting crime gang of an admin to commit their ongoing atrocities against rights and franchise in the full glare of daylight (from a combination of perversity and just because they can), but OH COME ON!!

    Has none of them evolved beyond the stage of knowing that just because one can doesn't mean one should? That choosing not to walk around covered in our own bodily waste is more than mere prerogative, and using every opportunity away from full public view to commit egregious crimes against the social order and humanity is character weakness ... not boldness of office?

    Has society become so slovenly in the relatively short period of the Bush / Cheney reign that the cynical attempt for ass-covering immunity is so unremarkable to mass media?

    Finally, am I freakin crazy?

    When I was a teenager and very possibly ACTUALLY CRAZY, a common pop-music principle like the Pussycat Dolls' "Doncha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?", played to guys, would pretty universally be considered pathetic, sad and outright desperate. Now it's the signature anthem in almost every second pop-diva's skank repertoire.

    I know that a modern historical reference would make a more scholarly case but frankly, these Banana Republicans don't deserve any more a highbrow treatment than the most idiotic sampling from their pop-cult contemporaries.

    How low can we go?