
L.A.P.D. Shelves Muslim Mapping Plan

That was quick. Just yesterday I was criticizing the LAPD's plan to map Muslim neighborhoods.

It's already history.

A plan by the Lose Angeles Police Department to map out Muslim communities, a proposal that civil rights groups sharply criticized as racial and religious profiling, has been shelved, a police spokeswoman said. The department planned to have its counterterrorism bureau identify Muslim enclaves to determine which might be likely to become isolated and susceptible to ”violent, ideologically based extremism.”

Mary Grady, the spokeswoman, said: “There was a clear message from the Muslim community that they were not comfortable with it. So we listened.”

Good riddance.

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    They'd have been wiser identifying (none / 0) (#2)
    by Edger on Thu Nov 15, 2007 at 08:33:05 AM EST
    white supremacist rightwingnut enclaves to determine which might be likely to become isolated and susceptible to "violent, ideologically based extremism."