
'Round the Blogosphere and Open Thread

If you're online this afternoon and evening, here's some stuff to check out:

  • Instapundit Glenn Reynolds' op-ed in the New York Post on the Supreme Court decision to review the D.C. gun control law.

What are you reading?

< New Crime Reports Call for Prison Reform, Shorter Sentences | Georgia High Court Tosses Sex Offender Law >
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    King County Jail (5.00 / 2) (#1)
    by Packratt on Wed Nov 21, 2007 at 04:24:43 PM EST
    The King County Jail, where I was tortured when they intentionally withheld medical care for me after I was brutally beaten by a dozen people last year, was hammered by a DOJ investigative report for ongoing civil rights abuses and negligence, even cited for causing the death of at least one prisoner when he died of a preventable infection due to lack of medical care.

    I plan on posting more about it when I have some time later at my new blog, http://injusticeinseattle.blogspot.com

    I guess... (none / 0) (#3)
    by Packratt on Thu Nov 22, 2007 at 01:50:27 AM EST
    It's ok when democrats violate the human rights of prisoners who haven't had their day in court. People only get upset about civil rights abuses when Bush is responsible for them.

    At least judging by the lack of interest in this story.


    Police State (5.00 / 1) (#7)
    by squeaky on Sat Nov 24, 2007 at 04:10:45 PM EST
    Welcome to the jackboot state, not to mention the jackboot campus, anno domini 2007. A doctor gives verbal advice to protect the life of an unconscious man and she duly gets hit with attempted felonies by vindictive campus cops, with the connivance of the University of Michigan. Jury selection for her trial starts on Monday in a county courthouse in Ann Arbor.

    This case began with an on-campus talk about Iran last November 30 by Raymond Tanter, a former Reagan administration foreign policy advisor and nutball cofounder of the Committee on the Present Danger.

    Here's how Dr. Catherine Wilkerson described what happened next...


    The cop used his far-greater strength and body weight, along with the force of his knee on his victim's back to press his chest against the floor. It would be impossible for a person to inflate his lungs pressed against the floor with his hands cuffed behind his back like that. Asphyxiation being a well-known cause of death of people in custody, when the man started calling out that he couldn't breathe, I approached, identified myself as a doctor, and instructed the cop to turn him over immediately. The victim went limp. The cop turned him onto his back. I saw that the victim had a wound on his forehead and blood in his nostrils. He was unconscious. Reiterating numerous times that I was a doctor, I tried to move to where I could assess the victim for breathing and a pulse. The cop shoved me, until finally, after my imploring him to allow me to render medical