
Torture Survivor Campaign Begins Today

The U.S. Government says there are 500,000 torture survivors living among us. California has Torture Survivor Treatment Centers, and today marks No Torture.Org's beginning of its awareness campaign, which will run through June 26.

The U.S. government estimates that 500,000 torture survivors live in the United States. University of the Pacific’s School of International Studies in Stockton, Calif. is in the process of developing baseline population data for torture survivors in California. The research will be conducted under the supervision of Professor Jean-Marie Stratigos, a former United Nations humanitarian affairs officer.

“Survivors are a hidden population in our state and many obstacles prevent them from receiving adequate healthcare,” said Kathi Anderson, executive director of Survivors of Torture, International. “We hope that this campaign will build knowledge among both medical professionals and the general public.”

It's the largest awareness campaign to date in the U.S. Here are the points they would like to get across:

  • Although they feel isolated by their pain and trauma, survivors are brave and resilient individuals. Torture survivors are talented, trained and productive people who have resources and experiences to offer our communities.
    Survivors come to California as refugees, asylum-seekers and immigrants.
  • Politically-motivated torture is practiced in more than 100 countries.
  • Often, individuals were tortured because of their identity (ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, etc.) or because they promoted equal rights, labor rights and other causes.
  • Survivors may be left with lifelong physical and mental health problems if not treated by trained professionals.
  • Treatment helps survivors heal from their trauma, rebuild trust in others, and reconnect to their families and communities, restoring self-esteem, dignity and hope. As individuals heal, they are able to go back to school and find jobs.
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    torture survivors (none / 0) (#1)
    by diogenes on Tue Feb 27, 2007 at 03:00:04 PM EST
    Since the self-styled imitator of Stalin Saddam Hussein was deposed, he and his sons haven't been able to torture thousands and tens of thousands in their prisons.  I suppose that someone out there will tell me that a dictatorship with torture was needed to prevent civil war in Iraq.  I myself believe that having one or two suicide bombings a day timed to make the American news channels is better than having lots of torture chamber prisons.

    I, myself, don't (none / 0) (#13)
    by scarshapedstar on Tue Feb 27, 2007 at 10:08:05 PM EST
    I myself believe that having one or two suicide bombings a day timed to make the American news channels is better than having lots of torture chamber prisons.

    I wasn't aware that most suicide bombings happened at 2 in the morning Iraqi time. Who knew they had such a nightlife without electricity?

    Even if that is the case, the war has claimed far more Iraqi lives than Saddam did, and bodies turn up with gouged-out eyes and holes from electric drills on an hourly basis.

    I can't fathom why those Iraqis are so ungrateful.


    Glad to Hear That (none / 0) (#2)
    by squeaky on Tue Feb 27, 2007 at 03:10:13 PM EST
    Now that you are against torture and torture chamber prisons you are ready to sign one or all of these petitions.

    It aint all roses (none / 0) (#3)
    by Jen M on Tue Feb 27, 2007 at 04:07:58 PM EST
    being the kid of a torture survivor either. You wouldn't BELIEVE how horribly callous and hardhearted americans can be.

    So, Diogenens, we all agree it was horrible when Saddam did it. Now. Whats your stand on the army teaching our courageous young soldiers to do it?

    Jen-- Proof please (none / 0) (#6)
    by jimakaPPJ on Tue Feb 27, 2007 at 05:28:01 PM EST
    life (none / 0) (#7)
    by Jen M on Tue Feb 27, 2007 at 05:38:56 PM EST

    I am the child of a torture survivor

    wtf kind of proof do you want?


    Why ask (none / 0) (#12)
    by scarshapedstar on Tue Feb 27, 2007 at 10:03:47 PM EST
    Jim, the Cowardly Lyin', has exited the thread.

    With bush running amok ordering the kidnapping... (none / 0) (#4)
    by Bill Arnett on Tue Feb 27, 2007 at 04:20:20 PM EST
    ...and torturing of people he should be able to double that number before leaving office.

    NeverInOurNames.com (none / 0) (#5)
    by Cptsalesman on Tue Feb 27, 2007 at 04:43:04 PM EST
     is a fairly new site devoted to Human Rights and stopping torture.  We are getting some great diarys, but could use some traffic. It's free of course, and you are all welcome if you want more info along these lines.  ( sorry if this kind of comment breaks any rules )

    ;;Torture (none / 0) (#9)
    by darby1936 on Tue Feb 27, 2007 at 08:30:24 PM EST
    This country is not new to the torture business. Most southern prisons tortured prisoners at least prior to 1970.

    torture (none / 0) (#10)
    by diogenes on Tue Feb 27, 2007 at 08:57:22 PM EST
    I think that the interesting question is what the child of a torture survivor would feel about not having Saddam removed from power.  To pursue anecdotal evidence further, as a grandchild of a Turkish genocide survivor, I have great personal sympathy for using the armed forces to protect minorities, be they Kurds, Shiites, Kosovars, Bosnians, or in Darfur.  The Americans and Europeans left us Armenians to spin in the wind, but I guess that it would have been a violation of international law for them to act, and it wasn't in the American interest for American lives and money to be wasted on foreigners anyway.

    removing sadam? great! (none / 0) (#11)
    by Jen M on Tue Feb 27, 2007 at 09:28:10 PM EST
    Invading? Not so great.

    Abu Grahib? The doctor doubled my paxil. I. was. Furious.  My Dad? He lives in Panama now.

    Denying the geneva conventions? Redefining torture? refusing to pass a bill that outlaws torture?

    I did not joint the US Army to defend a country that would do what I despise so utterly. I joined because (at the time) I felt US citizenship was worth having, worth defending. Because I thought we were better than that.

    Now we aren't. Hoorah.

    And so many americans Just. Don't. Care. Never have. Never will.

    Removing Sadam because he is a dictator that tortures was NEVER an issue back in the 80's in the days of Regan when I was in the army. Or any of the other despots who were our friends who also tortured people. (including americans - my dad wasnt the only one. Some didn't survive)

    The ONLY reason it is being brought up now is because no weapons of mass destruction were found.

    So removing Sadam from power? Yes, thats very good.  sort of like praising the pest control guys for killing the fly by destroying the house.


    Yes (none / 0) (#14)
    by squeaky on Tue Feb 27, 2007 at 10:25:36 PM EST
    He was an evil sadistic dictator, but he was our evil sadistic dictator.

    Dick Cheney at eighteen percent! (none / 0) (#15)
    by Loftlore on Thu Apr 26, 2007 at 04:13:17 PM EST

    Recent polls show support for Dick Cheney at eighteen percent. Of course it is amusing to see support for this tyrant at such rock-bottom levels. Obviously it's laughable that Cheney has even a single supporter. That's not the point. The point is who are these people? There is a lesson to be learned here and it's an important one.
       Who are these people? Who continues to support Dick Cheney (and by association, the President)? What should be done? Should these people be engaged in debate? If you do you will be wasting your time, time better spent stopping them. Should we teach them the error of their ways? "If they haven't learned by now," the saying goes. These dead-enders, to borrow a phrase, are people who would, for example, support the use of torture. Torture! Think about it!
       If an agent of the current administration tortures someone, they must begin by torturing someone that COULD be innocent. They torture to gather proof of guilt. So, lacking proof, they torture the innocent. Remember, "innocent until proven guilty?" I ask because Dick Cheney has forgotten this American truth. If the torturers knew a person to be guilty, why the need for torture? If they don't know their victim to be guilty, then they MAY be torturing the innocent!    
       Torturers say they are seeking information. They want to know something they don't know. Sadly, what they don't know is that they may be torturing innocent people. That's being kind. They may INDEED know they are torturing innocent people. Torturers say they are looking for confessions. What they'll probably get are worthless confessions. Those tortured will say anything to stop the torture. Most intelligence experts say so, loudly and often. Let's face it. This administration tortures people because it is within their means and their makeup to do so. Eighteen percent of those polled support Dick Cheney who supports torture.
       People are rendered. Rendition is a euphemism for kidnapping. People are kidnapped by the Bush/Cheney administration to various places so that they can be tortured without witness. If this doesn't frighten you then I am sorry, you don't understand the problem.
       Eighteen percent of those polled support Dick Cheney. They support a man who supports torture. What to do about these people? Freedom means nothing to them. The Constitution means nothing to them. Goodness and mercy mean nothing to them. What do we do with these people? Do we debate them? I say no. I say we stop them. Don't ignore them. Stop them. Support a leader, a Congressman, a Senator who will stop them. Vote out anyone who has or will support the Bush/Cheney administration. Defend your constitution! It will then defend you by stopping those who torture. Insist, strenuously, that laws against torture be passed. Insist, vigorously, that existing laws and treaties against torture be enforced.
       Who are these eighteen percent who support Dick Cheney? How do YOU feel about our Vice President?
