
Maryland Effort to Abolish Death Penalty Defeated

A Senate committee in Maryland today rejected a bill to abolish the death penalty.

Efforts to repeal the death penalty in Maryland were dealt an apparently fatal blow Thursday when a key state Senate committee defeated the measure, leaving a court-ordered moratorium on state executions in place and some legislators weighing a study of the issue.

Weeks of behind-the-scenes wrangling and lobbying by religious and law enforcement officials culminated Thursday with the bill's defeat in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee on a tie vote.

Why it failed:

Sen. Alex X. Mooney, the Frederick Repub lican and devout Catholic who was expected to swing the Senate vote, did not support the repeal after trying unsuccessfully to exempt prisoners who kill again while serving a jail term. He told the committee that he struggled with the choice.

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    "Efforts to repeal the death penalty (none / 0) (#1)
    by Light Emitting Pickle on Fri Mar 16, 2007 at 12:09:06 AM EST
    in Maryland were dealt an apparently fatal blow..."


    wow (none / 0) (#2)
    by Jen M on Fri Mar 16, 2007 at 05:36:18 AM EST
    the only marlyald legislative action the local tv news told me about was the effort to ban normal cigaretes in favor of the special paper kind.