
Monday Open Thread

I'm heading over to court and 5280.com to blog the Joseph Nacchio trial proceedings. Big Tent is out of pocket today. TChris or Last Night may stop in, but in case not, here's a place for you to bring everyone up to speed on the news and your thoughts.

< PurgeGate Shows Bush's Isolation | Gonzo: WH Circles The Wagons. Why? >
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    I saw this idea elsewhere, but it's got merit (5.00 / 1) (#3)
    by scribe on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 12:08:54 PM EST
    In short, the USA purge, and the developing scandal at GSA, where they got a presentation from Rover's deputy on how to help "our candidates" in the coming election, were all really directed at 2008.  These schemes all appear to have been burbling along on the back burner until about, oh, November 15, 2006 and then suddenly all of them got kicked into high gear.

    The thought is two-fold.  

    First, that Karl freaked after the depth of antipathy to Rethug policies and rule became clearly known, probably through (a) detailed exit polling that didn't come to him and the WH until some days after the election and (b) the reaction to the Rummy firing was not as nice as hoped/expected.

    Second, that the Rethugs will do anything to avoid an electoral loss in 2008.  This, because they know their corruption has been so bad that even a totally evenhanded DoJ in Democratic control will likely put many of them in prison for years to come.  The only way out, for the Rethugs, is to win in 2008.

    So, let's look at what went on in the WH between election day, and November 15.  To start.

    Earl Warren and Justice (5.00 / 1) (#4)
    by zaitztheunconvicted on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 12:57:09 PM EST
    I am watching the Green room on the internet which is the continuation of the roundtable of this week with Stephanopolous.

    Sam Donaldson is talking with some host at the beginning of the "Green Room" segment and telling a story about Chief Justice Earl Warren.  Donaldson says this may be an apocryphal story, but there is this case before the Supreme Court and some lawyer is arguing and in the arguments, the lawyer says, "But that is the law," and Warren says, "Is it fair?"

    Donaldson says that originalists and strict construtionists would believe that such a concern is wrong, but he, Donaldson, believes that the concern "Is it fair?" is at the bedrock of our form of government.

    I am not sure if Donaldson or his helpers had viewed a recent post of mine at talkleft or if we all simply share the same view.  In any case, it seems to me as if there is a failure on the part of "the left" to clearly articulate the case that laws and regulations that do or permit injustice can't be constitutional.  Right now, on the right, we have a name of a philosophy
    (strict constructionist) and one or more societies of lawyers dedicated to explaining, advocating and applying that philosophy in federal court decisions.

    I could be wrong, but I don't think we have anything like that on the left.   Maybe I'm wrong and someone could point me to the left equivalent of the Federalist Society.  Shouldn't there be a Publius or a Warren or other similar society, dedicated to reminding the public, in the words of publius, that the end of government is justice?  

    And who is it other than Sam Donaldson, myself and few scattered others that would remind the government of Warren's principles?

    When I have a few extra million, I suppose, I'll help pay for it, but that is many years off.  

    Till then, the closest we might have is some Brennan or Jefferson center for 1st amendment rights, the innocence project, and the Institute for Justice which is chiefly concerned with preventing a city from condemning a house for a shopping mall?

    Sharon Eubanks (none / 0) (#1)
    by Skyho on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 10:56:33 AM EST

    Would you please comment on what Sharon Eubanks had to say yesterday on Fox News about how the executive branch "diddled" with the DOJ?

    I would appreciate your informed view.  Thanks.

    Davis Swanson yesterday (none / 0) (#2)
    by Edger on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 11:01:46 AM EST
    ...haven't we caused Nancy Pelosi and MoveOn.org enough grief already? Ms. Pelosi is a very nice woman with a good education and a beautiful house, and all she asks is to be left in peace. And yet people keep whining about how "we elected the Democrats to end the war," "we elected the Democrats to end the war," "na nah na nah na nah." Enough, already! What did she ever do to you? Do you even KNOW any of the Iraqis your money will help kill over the next two years? All right then. Shut up about it. And if Nancy Pelosi says impeachment is off the table, it's off the table. Show some respect if it's not too much to ask.
    David Swanson: Let Rove Lie

    Purgegate Scandal (none / 0) (#5)
    by Swan on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 02:51:33 PM EST
    What I want to know is- as I asked yesterday-

    What explains the failure of the mainstream media to cover the purge scandal for so long, and so many other scandals? Do you think somebody just set up newspaper editors to cheat on their wives, and threatened to tell if the editors wouldn't play ball when they come back some day and ask for something?

    It wouldn't be that hard to do, when you think about it. People wouldn't talk about it.

    setting them up to be caught cheating is too hard (none / 0) (#7)
    by scribe on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 03:00:39 PM EST
    and assumes too much, anyway.  

    For many of those clowns, they are Republicans anyway. For those who are not, many of them understand that Corporate Headquarters wants a certain, Republican, line and they'll parrot it without much even thinking about it.  Job pressure - having to pay for kids' college or braces - is usually enough.  They all saw what happened to independent reporting in Putin's Russia.  A little job pressure on some shut up the rest.  For the recalcitrant few, the first step is freezing them out of access, which the WH did early on.

    If it comes to anything even remotely resembling blackmail, a tax problem is the easiest to cook up followed by a securities-trading problem, particularly since many of them make enough money to have tax issues and get enough gossip to have potential securities-trading issues.



    PS (none / 0) (#6)
    by Swan on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 02:52:33 PM EST
    By the way, here's my site:

    A Quiet Evening

    I prefer the term "Gonzogate" (none / 0) (#8)
    by rdandrea on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 03:14:09 PM EST
    It has a nice ring to it.

    I propose.... (none / 0) (#9)
    by kdog on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 03:46:13 PM EST
    we stop calling Gonzalez "Gonzo"....I think it is an insult to the late, great Hunter S. Thompson.

    Hunter was "gonzo"...Gonzalez is just a crooked political hack.

    Agreed... (none / 0) (#10)
    by desertswine on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 03:48:25 PM EST
    Abu Gonzalez, then?

    Hombre Muerto? (none / 0) (#11)
    by Edger on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 04:00:03 PM EST
    Thats better boys! (none / 0) (#12)
    by kdog on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 04:05:48 PM EST
    Not to mention (none / 0) (#14)
    by Peaches on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 04:37:54 PM EST
    An insult to the late great Jim Henson.

    Peaches (none / 0) (#18)
    by jimakaPPJ on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 10:07:47 PM EST
    Hey Peaches! How's the garden coming???

    Garden (none / 0) (#19)
    by Peaches on Tue Mar 27, 2007 at 10:16:55 AM EST
    It has been unusually warm over the last week in Minnesota. The temptation is to go out and start planting, I mean it was 81 degrees yesterday. But, I am still in the greenhouse and putting plants in the cold frames. I have seedlings that will be ready for transl=oplant soon and my soil looks positively rich and dark with compost and ready to feed whatever I plant it. I've pretty much recieved all of my seeds I ordered through the winter, but am still waiting for some organic minerals and sea supplements I ordered that I am going to experiment with to see what sort of production these soil enhancers can achieve.

    Thanks for asking, Jim, because this is my favorite time of the year and I can barely contain myself with the anticipation of spring, summer and fall produce to come. There is little else on my mine these days - aside from the pleasant scenary that always comes strolling out baring Minnesota untanned, yet alluring skin, on the first warm sunny days of spring.

    How about you?


    But, but, but, I thought Gonzo was staying to help (none / 0) (#13)
    by scribe on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 04:28:46 PM EST
    protect the kids.  This article says he and DoJ intervened to keep the US Attorney in Texas from bringing indictments against the pedophiles and child-rapers in the Texas Youth Commission's kid prisons.

    Boy, who's a reader to believe nowadays?

    In Defense of Jeb Bush (none / 0) (#15)
    by john horse on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 05:27:07 PM EST
    I got a kick out of reading the following defense of Jeb Bush after he was refused an honorary degree by the University of Florida.  According to one of his supporters, Steve Uhlfelder, "We name buildings after people who have questionable backgrounds."  Uhlfelder also pointed out that UF's basketball arena is named after former university president Stephen C. O'Connell, who as Florida Supreme Court justice wrote the 1956 opinion to keep a black student from entering the UF law school.  With friends like these . . .

    George W. Bush, traitor to the Republic (none / 0) (#16)
    by Aaron on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 07:22:32 PM EST
    It's about time that someone besides me started accurately describing the actions of this president and his White House.  They do not now stand in representation of the people of the United States, if they ever did.  They have betrayed us, the Constitution and themselves. They should be stripped, disgraced and sent to prison, the fate of all those who would engage in treason against the state and placed their sovereignty over that of the people.  We need to send a message to anyone tempted to take this path again, for if we do not we will surely lose the Republic to the next despot who comes along, and democracy will once again become nothing more than a dream.

    Bill Maher: "Traitors don't get to question my patriotism!"

    Just do it. (none / 0) (#17)
    by jimakaPPJ on Mon Mar 26, 2007 at 10:06:32 PM EST
    Well, good buddy. How anout some actual things you think he has done?

    You know, name the crime and actually describe it rather than mouthing off as you get off...

    I mean you can do it, can't you Arraon?? You wouldn't be making things up because you hate the guy, would you?

    Aaron? Aaron.....??
