McCain: Out Of Iraq? When The American People Say So
John McCain is just losing it:
He said that if the Bush administration’s plan had not produced visible signs of progress by the time a McCain presidency began, he might be forced — if only by the will of public opinion — to end American involvement in Iraq. “I do believe that history shows us Americans will not continue to support an overseas engagement involving the loss of American lives for an unlimited period of time unless they see some success,” he added. “And then, when they run out of patience, they will demand that we get out.”
But the American People HAVE said it. They said it in 2006. They say it in every poll.
The Reid-Feingold bill is the proposal the American People support. By a wide margin. Heck, it even gives Bush and McCain a year to see if their ridiculous "strategy" can work. There is no reason why the Congress, and every Democrat in particular, should not embrace the Reid-Feingold proposal. Especially Democratic Presidential candidates. Why is Chris Dodd the only one supporting Reid-Feingold?
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