Maureen Dowd's Daddy Complex
I like Maureen Dowd's writing. I really do. But if she is going to continue to write about the politcs, she needs to attend to her daddy complex. In writing about the silly Edwards haircut story, Dowd reveals the psychological block she has in writing about politics - she needs to overcome her Elektra complex:
Speaking of roots, my dad, a police detective who was in charge of Senate security, got haircuts at the Senate barbershop for 50 cents. He cut my three brothers’ hair and did the same for anyone else in the neighborhood who wanted a free clip job. Even now, Mr. Edwards could get his hair cut at the Senate barbershop for $21 or the Chapel Hill Barber Shop near his campaign headquarters for $16.
Guess she is bidding for the "daughter of a police detective" vote. Memo to MoDo, just cuz daddy did it that way does not mean doing it some other way is wrong.
But in all seriousness, every significant defect in Dowd's writing, from her outrageous writings on Clinton, Gore, Hillary Clinton, Republicans and Democrats, really can be traced back to this. She needs to address that.
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