
Native American Women 2.5 Times More Likely to Be Raped

Amnesty International has issued a report with alarming statistics on Native American women and rape.

The figures said more than one in three Native women would be raped in their lifetime, although that figure may in fact be substantially higher because of a traditional reluctance to report sex crimes.

"Native women are brutalized at an alarming rate, and the United States government, a purported champion of women's rights, is unfortunately contributing to the problem," said Larry Cox, executive director of Amnesty International USA.

Amnesty's press release is here.


The U.S. Government has undermined the authority of tribal justice systems to respond to crimes of sexual violence by consistent under-funding. Federal law limits the criminal sentences that tribal courts can impose for any one offense to one year and prohibits tribal courts from trying non-Indian suspects -- even though data collected by the Department of Justice shows that up to 86 percent of perpetrators are non-Indian.

The report labels Alaska as the rape capital of the country.

Alaska ranks number one for rapes in the United States, according to FBI statistics. Alaska Native women also experience high levels of sexual violence in both rural and urban areas. According to one study, between 2000 and 2003, Alaska Native people in Anchorage were 9.7 times more likely to experience sexual assault than others living in the city. Meanwhile, at least one-third of Alaska Native villages that are not accessible by road have no law enforcement presence at all. Alaska Native women may have to pay for an expensive trip to reach a hospital or clinic for a sexual assault forensic examination.

The report contains several recommendations. For more, go here.

Here's the full report, Maze of Injustice (pdf).

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    So we should eradicate (none / 0) (#1)
    by Deconstructionist on Wed Apr 25, 2007 at 02:34:46 PM EST
    the vestiges of partial sovereignty enjoyed by the native tribes and make all natives subject to the exlusive jurisdiction of state and federal courts?

      Why do I suspect such action would provoke a human rights alert press release from someone with an ax to grind?

      If the report was titled Native American Men 2.5 times more likely to be victims of assault, would we also blame the U.S. government for not using superior power to impose our legal system on the tribes?

      I'm sure in neither case would any  explicit reference be made to the ethnicity of the perpretrators as that tends to complicate the issue.


    native american nations (none / 0) (#2)
    by diogenes on Wed Apr 25, 2007 at 10:07:29 PM EST
    Hey, as a wrongwinger I'd be delighted to support eliminating the illusion of tribal "nations" and tribal "laws" and putting all Americans under the laws of the state they live in.  Why should earlier immigrants to the western hemisphere (via Alaska) enjoy unique sovereignity that we later immigrants don't get?