
Dems Seek No Confidence Vote on Alberto Gonzales

The number of Republicans calling for the resignation of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales rose to 5 today....and Democrats are calling for a "no confidence" vote.

Democrats proposed two versions of a nonbinding resolution expressing what senators of both parties have said for weeks: that Gonzales has become too weakened to run the Justice Department.

White House response:

"A 'no-confidence' vote is nothing more than a meaningless political act, not that that's stopped them before," White House spokesman Tony Fratto said. "The attorney general has the full confidence of the president."

Kelly O'Donnell asked Bush at a press conference today if he sent Gonzales to Ashcroft's hospital room to sign off on the extension of the warrantless NSA wiretapping program. Bush refused to answer. Instead, he said the program was and is necessary.

Update: New York Times article on the resolution here.

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    Let's get serious, I mean REALLY serious (none / 0) (#2)
    by profmarcus on Thu May 17, 2007 at 10:56:44 PM EST
    after reading greenwald today who reinforces my own view that things are completely out of control with bush and the white house, we need to be taking some very serious and very assertive steps via congress and civic action to reclaim our country... a gonzales no-confidence vote is a small step, but at least it's in the right direction...

    on bush's response at the press conference, our president has absolutely no respect for the truth... he doesn't speak it himself and he refuses to respond to others' attempts to discover it... george bush and his criminal administration must be removed... the clock is ticking and every circuit of the second hand that leaves bush and his fellow criminals in control of the white house is more opportunity for them to continue to dismantle the very foundations of our republic...

    And, yes, I DO take it personally