Now Who's Being Naive?
Being called naive by someone who believes this tickles me no end:
Monday I published a post about building a veto-proof majority in the House and Senate to vote against the war.
Bulding a veto-proof majority??? It takes 290 votes in the House and 67 votes in the Senate to override a Presidential veto. Let's just take the Senate. Can anyone name the 17 Republicans who are gonna vote to end the war please (Lieberman never will, so IF you can hold the 50 Dems, you need 17 Republican Senators.) And you call me naive? Puhleeeaze. It is no wonder that someone who believes a veto proof majority to end the war can be built thinks this:
One thing I like about these Democratic leaders is they’re very subtle and canny. We have to keep in mind, of course, that we’re dealing with a hostage situation here, and we have to protect our soldiers from this maniac.
Suuuure. That House Supplemental is working out like a charm for ending the war. Honestly, sometimes our side can be as stubborn in clinging to ideas that have been proven not to work as the Right.
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