he Dreams Across America Tour is a nationwide journey via train that educates the public to dispel myths, give real facts, and shares personal stories about the need for just and humane immigration reform in this country.
In eight days (June 13th- 20th) via ten cities, the tour will bring together one hundred diverse individuals from throughout the country referred to as Dreamers. These Dreamers will share their compelling stories and reinforce what still holds true today – no matter our backgrounds, immigrant or native born, we all cherish the values that make this country prosper. However, only by working together to address our nation’s broken immigration laws, can we continue to achieve and live the American dream.
Dreamers from throughout the country will take their story to our Nation’s Capital. Major stops will include Los Angeles, San Antonio, Chicago, Miami, New York, and Boston. As the Dreamers embark on the journey, their stories and those of thousands of others will be prominently highlighted via our website, blogs, video, and earned media.
Rick Jacobs is on board and has a first blog post up on Huffington Post. Blogger-author David Neiwert of Orcinus is also on board and blogging and Jane says he will be writing for Firedoglake as well.
Most Americans favor a path to legalization for the 12 million undocumented residents among us. We shouldn't let the loud voices of a few with bullhorns like Lou Dobs get us off-track.
What is fair immigration policy? One that:
* Keeps families together by preserving the current family immigration system and eliminating immigration backlogs.
* Brings Immigrants out of the shadows by providing a path to citizenship, and helps achieve their positive integration into American society.
* Strengthens our economy by creating legal avenues for workers to come, while ensuring that all workers have rights and dignity.
* Protects our borders and improves life in border communities by establishing an immigration system that works.
Follow the Dream Train, blog about it, watch the videos and help bring the true picture of hard-working immigrants to the American people. They are us. They are America.