
They Live! The "Sell Out On Choice" Dems Come Back

I thought after 2006, the species would have become extinct, but the "Sell Out on Choice" Dems still chasing those elusive "values voters" live! Paul Waldman has the best fisking of this ridiculous Times Op-Ed by Melinda Hennenberger, who argues, I think, that Dems should drop their pro-choice position, for political reasons apparently.

But I loved this part for its irony:

What would it take to win them back? Respect, for starters — and not only on the night of the candidate forum on faith. As it turns out, you cannot call people extremists and expect them to vote for you. . . .

Us "fringe," "idiot liberals" get that point very well. Drop a line to Rep. David Obey and all the others attacking the Dem base for being angry about not ending the Iraq war on that one Melinda.

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    Well, who are the wingnuts going to vote for? (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by RustedView on Fri Jun 22, 2007 at 11:20:08 AM EST
    I just have to shake my head at you.  I mean, even the anti-choice, uber-paternalistic right wing knows the Republicans are going to lose in 2008.  Hennenberger just wants to make sure that those dead-fetus-photo carrying, women-harassing, clinic bombing, doctor assassinating compassionate conservative value-voters have someone in office who supports their anti-choice position.

    Can you fault her for wanting compassion to pervade the Democratic party?

    Saw that op-ed this morning (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by andgarden on Fri Jun 22, 2007 at 11:47:08 AM EST
    it did NOT make good breakfast reading. The urge to reach through the page and shake my fist was strong.

    Just more proof! (5.00 / 1) (#3)
    by JHFarr on Fri Jun 22, 2007 at 11:54:09 AM EST
    We should let the Democrats die. Working on behalf of Dems is idiotic in the current context. There IS no progressive party to vote for, and the Democrats will never become one. Sooner than later, the corporate authoritarian death state will collapse of its own accord, taking all the quislings & co-dependents with it, and the surviving members of the next generation will have a chance to start anew. Forget "countries" and borders, though -- I'm talking about a whole new world.

    I am totally calm and at one with the above judgement, and it has made my daily life INFINITELY more harmonious.

    Down to four or five blogs daily now. Life is good.

    I'm down to three or four a day (5.00 / 1) (#6)
    by Militarytracy on Fri Jun 22, 2007 at 02:05:03 PM EST
    Much Much Much more quality of life!  I think we are going to have to reincarnate the dirty hippy no job making love growing our own medicinal all day loser.  I want to contemplate Bifurcations and this chaos theory some more, I think it's important.  Just think, no job ...we could all get thin again!  Running around over half naked, we won't need any of those Walmart clothes.  No income.......no taxes and just wait till you see what I can do to your property values ;)  Yeah, we'll just see if they really want to take away my birth control won't we?  My family is notoriously fertile, I could breed like a virus.  Let's start today!

    in sheep's clothing (none / 0) (#4)
    by dagzine on Fri Jun 22, 2007 at 12:53:38 PM EST
    I dig what you're saying...but how about her reliance upon the binary thinking she implies harms democrats...you know, that it's democrats faults that people think republicans are the "party of the faithful."

    Personally, I agree wit