
The Clamor For a Third Party

What it surprise you if I told you that 53% of Americans think there should be a 3rd Party? Would you think that was a huge sign that there is room for Bloomberg to make a run as an Independent? If it would let me refer you to this:


That was the vote Ross Perot received in 1996 when, as now, 53% of Americans said to pollsters there should be a 3rd Party. Remember that when Broder, Fineman and the DC Gasbags trumpet that poll result.

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    Didn't we elect Kang in 1996? (5.00 / 1) (#26)
    by chemoelectric on Sun Jul 01, 2007 at 12:36:14 AM EST
    Like Kang and Kodos said, it's a two-party system. Even when we here in Minnesota elected a third-party governor, it made no permanent difference. If you want a third party, change the system; do that and you can have parties galore, depending on the changes you make. But I suspect that's not 'really' what people want; they 'really' want Democrats, but we need the genuine article and a functioning political infrastructure, and we don't have at least the latter, for reasons that aren't clear (Broder being just a symptom of this).