Democratic Debate: The Morning After

The transcript of the New Hampshire Democratic debate last night is here.
Digby, as always, makes excellent points, particularly about Dennis Kucinich. I too am glad he's in the race because he is terrific on most issues. But his attacks on Democrats, such as saying it's our war now because we didn't end it after November, help no one.
And yes, the "raise your hand" questions were silly and as were some of the questions. As Digby paraphrases:
I think the question I enjoyed the most in the Democratic debate was the one where Wolf asked them all what they would do if they were tied to a bed naked with a ticking time bomb and a bunch of terrorists rushed into the room and started kibitzing among themselves about where to get the best Botox in Miami.
I was waiting for the question to end with a query as to whether they'd call in Jack Bauer. More on the myth of the ticking time bomb from Professor Alfred McCoy here and from Balkanization here.
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