The Republican You Tube Debate
So there is a lot of teeth gnashing in the Right Blogs about the now unlikely to happen Republican You Tube Debate. I am sympathetic to a part of the complaint. I thought CNN made a joke of the Democratic You Tube Debate. I hated it. Jeralyn and just about everyone else loved it and Democrats got great press for it. Clearly it was successful for Democrats. And there is the rub for Republicans as Patrick Ruffini describes:
At the end of the day, the issue is not YouTube. The YouTube debate snub is the symptom, not the disease. If Republicans fret about a simple debate format, which is really just the modern version of the 1992 townhall debate, how in the heck are we going to be make the really bold, gutsy decisions to transform our campaigns so we can raise over $100 million online and recruit millions — yes millions — of volunteers over the Internet?
Ruffini points to this from Trippi, discussing the You Tube Debate and the pitfalls for Republicans and the Internet (starting at 2:30 or so):
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