More Discussing Impeachment
Another upshot of this is that debates about impeachment are purely about the politics -- obviously there's no chance of 2/3 of the Senate voting to convict anyone. And here I also agree with Ezra that here McArdle is considerably more persuasive. It's hard to see how serious impeachment proceedings (as opposed to stepping up use of Congress' oversight powers in general) would strengthen the Democrats' political position.
And Ezra:
Incidentally, I actually agree that impeachment proceedings would be a Bad Idea . . .
But this part of Ezra's post really interests me:
The Democrats were elected on one of the clearest agendas in modern times: Drawing down the Iraq War, passing anti-corruption legislation, and instituting a series of popular, if small, pieces of economic populism (increase in the minimum wage, Medicare bargaining, etc). Bush has stymied every one. . .
On Iraq, it is the Democrats who can stymie Bush, if they will use their Constitutional authority. Will no one join me in urging the Congress to stymie Bush on Iraq?
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