
Rudy Hires New Image Firm

There's no doubt Rudy Giuliani could benefit from a new firm to boost his image. But, did he have to hire this one?

Last year, a commercial made by Thompson's firm for Tennessee's U.S. Senate race was criticized for what the NAACP and others said were racial overtones.

Run by the Republican National Committee against Democrat Harold Ford, who is black, the ad showed a white woman saying she had met Ford at a Playboy-sponsored party. As the ad ended, the woman, her shoulders bared, whispered into the camera, "Harold, call me."

The NAACP said the commercial played to prejudices about black men and white women, and Republican Bob Corker, who won the Senate seat, called the ad tacky. The RNC denied any racial subtext but asked TV stations to stop running the commercial.

I can't wait to see the firm's New Rudy.

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    It makes Paul Krugman (none / 0) (#1)
    by andgarden on Fri Aug 24, 2007 at 12:35:46 AM EST