
How Broderism Led To the Rise Of A Third Party; By Destroying An Existing Party

Matt Yglesias has a great post on how historically ignorant Broderism and its drive for a compromise, issueless pragmatism is. As Yglesais shows, Whiggery led to to the rise of an ideological partisan Third Party - the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln:

I feel like it's worth mentioning here how little time third party enthusiasts ever seem to spend thinking about the rise of the Republican Party -- the only actual precedent for anything of the sort. They often seem to talk as if Abraham Lincoln was just some kind of somewhat disaffected dude sitting around somewhere with this really insightful speech about a how divided against itself, threw his hat in the ring, and -- bam! -- tired old Whig and Democrat ideologies are shunted aside in favor of a bold new era of pragmatism and bloody civil war. One can't do justice to the actual origins of the Republican Party in a blog post, but suffice it to say that it didn't work like that. The history of meaningful third party anti-slavery politics goes back to the abolitionists' Liberty Party in 1840. They later moderated their agenda somewhat, added the support of many breakaway anti-slavery Democrats, and became the Free Soil Party starting in 1848. This party had some very substantial adherents, but still didn't do very well. Then, as the national debate over slavery grew ever-more-intense, breakaway anti-slavery Whigs joined the movement that was now further reconfigured as the Republican Party. This new party did well enough to become a "second party," polling 33 percent while the Whigs got just 21.5 percent.

Matt has written a great concise post that does not, obviously, delve into the complete history of the rise of the Republican Party and the demise of the Whig Party, but I want to explore how Broderism was at the heart of the demise of the Whig Party. To wit, Broder has it backwards - his approach killed a dominant political party and led to an NON-Unity, partisan third party. I'll explore this history on the flip.

Howard Fineman has said:

Using a historical reference he has employed before, Fineman asserted that if Democrats cannot win the 2008 election, they "deserve to go the way of the Whigs, which is a political party that disappeared ... because it couldn't deal with the biggest issue of the time, which was slavery." He added, "[T]he issue this time that could render the Democrats useless to history ... is terrorism" and that "unless the Democrats can figure out an answer on foreign policy, then there is a chance that they could blow it."

Of course, Fineman misunderstands the point, misapplies the Whig analogy and basically is all wet, as he often is, and as Media Matter points out in that post. But it is interesting on how he stumbles upon the demise of the Whigs as a relevant point in history to today's politics.

What does Fineman misunderstand? That the demise of the Whigs was NOT due to their failure to find some "unifying" position on slavery - it was their cowardice in taking a strong stand on slavery that destroyed the Whigs. I feel confident that Fineman's idea of of an "answer" on terrorism for Democrats is some sort of Republican Lite "unifying position" that David Broder could embrace. Call it John Warnerism for short. Another phrase for it would be, well, Whiggery. What Democrats need of course is a confident strong and "non-unifying" (in Broder/Fineman terms) message on Iraq and the War on Terror; a confident critique of the abject failures of the Republican Party and Bushism on Iraq and the War on Terror. For it was the failure of the Whigs to provide a confident contrast to the disastrous Democratic position on slavery from the mid-1840s to the rise of the Republican Party that primarily led to the Whig demise. I think the Wikipedia article on the subject describes it well:

1852 was the beginning of the end for the Whigs. The deaths of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster that year severely weakened the party. The Compromise of 1850 fractured the Whigs along pro- and anti-slavery lines, with the anti-slavery faction having enough power to deny Fillmore the party's nomination in 1852.

Attempting to repeat their earlier successes, the Whigs nominated popular General Winfield Scott, who lost decisively to the Democrats' Franklin Pierce. The Democrats won the election by a large margin: Pierce won 27 of the 31 states including Scott's home state of Virginia. Whig Representative Lewis Davis Campbell of Ohio was particularly distraught by the defeat, exclaiming, "We are slayed. The party is dead--dead--dead!" Increasingly politicians realized that the party was a loser. For example, Abraham Lincoln, its Illinois leader, simply walked away and attended to his law business.

In 1854, the Kansas-Nebraska Act exploded on the scene. Southern Whigs generally supported the Act while Northern Whigs strongly opposed it. Most remaining Northern Whigs, like Lincoln, joined the new Republican Party and strongly attacked the Act, appealing to widespread northern outrage over the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. . . .

. . .In contemporary discourse, the Whig Party is usually mentioned in the context of a now-forgotten party losing its followers and reason for being. Parties sometimes accuse other parties of "going the way of the Whigs."

(Emphasis supplied.) Broderism suggests that "going the way of the Whigs" is the way to success for a third party movement. Of course, history demonstrates the exact opposite. Indeed, Broderism is the way to destroy an existing political party.

There is much more to say on this subject and my desire to further discuss this subject is high. I will likely write another post on this subject later tonight.

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    The Obsession with Ending Politics (4.50 / 2) (#7)
    by BDB on Sun Aug 26, 2007 at 07:33:34 PM EST
    The Beltway's obsession with getting away from politics is ridiculous.  Creating a political party that isn't partisan?  Doesn't that make it NOT a political party?  The whole point of uniting behind a poltical party is to be partisan.

    But it isn't just Broder and political parties.  Today Obama announced a New Orleans plan (and I'm all for New Orleans plans) that has as one of its feature a political appointee FEMA head "insulated" from political pressure.  As if that's desirable or even possible.  I won't go into my rant here, since I already did that here, but since nobody is going to read it there, let me give a shorter version - political appointees are never going to be immune from politics, they can only be made immune from accountability and the last thing we need is more folks immune from accountability.

    I presume Sam Nunn and Chuck Hagel and all the other Unity08 idiots are doing this for self-promotion.  But Broder is old enough to now that there never was a Washington where everyone sat around, held hands and sang campfire songs.  Jeez.

    Exactly (5.00 / 1) (#8)
    by Big Tent Democrat on Sun Aug 26, 2007 at 07:41:05 PM EST
    It's Made Even Worse (none / 0) (#17)
    by BDB on Sun Aug 26, 2007 at 08:44:11 PM EST
    by the fact that many folks, like Broder, seem to define "partisan" as "criticizing Republicans."  There was nothing more partisan or divisive than W's post-9/11 policies, partisan in the worst sense of the word since it was putting one party's interest ahead of the national interest, and there wasn't this much hand wringing over "partisanship."  

    Your subject and first paragraph (none / 0) (#14)
    by andgarden on Sun Aug 26, 2007 at 07:57:25 PM EST
    would be great as a letter to the New York Times.

    Without delving into or even analyzing (4.00 / 1) (#1)
    by kovie on Sun Aug 26, 2007 at 04:31:22 PM EST
    too deeply the specifics of today's political situation in comparison to the one that existed in the 1840's-1850's, there seems to be a natural fault line these days between pro-war (or war-tolerant) corporatists on the one hand, and anti-war progressives and populists on the other, that crosses party lines (Lieberman, Breaux, Clinton, Nelsons, anyone?) and indicates the potential for a viable third party to emerge, that would tap both parties and stand a chance of eventually replacing one of them--clearly the GOP, of course.

    I often find myself wishing that the more hawkishly pro-war and pro-corporatist and conservative members of the Democratic party formally broke with the party, sided with the more "moderate" (i.e. non-wingnut and primarily pro-corporate and pro-M-I complex) wing of the GOP, and formed such a third party, which in many ways already exists in virtual form (e.g. voting for Alito, MCA, supplemental bill, FISA bill, etc.). The numbers probably already exist, or would soon exist, to allow it to compete favorably with either of the two existing parties.

    Of course, this would be politically disasterous for the Democratic party in the short term. But it would probably be even more so for the wingnut wing of the GOP, who have even fewer active members and supporters than the "Democratic wing of the Democratic party". And instead of replacing the GOP with a more socially liberal version of itself, it might well create a situation in which we had an actual three party system, with a powerful corporatist centrist party dominating two weaker partisan parties on either flank. So we might have less "values" nonsense in our lives, but also fewer prospects for progressive legislation.

    I'm neither advocating for or against the rise of such a party, just pointing out that the makings for one are there, in terms of policy, politics, and punditry support--and of course corporate, power and money support--and that it might well happen once we get past the Bush era. And if it does happen, how it will play out in terms of its effects on the existing main parties is anyone's guess. Maybe it would be a good thing--let the corporatists have their party, the Jesus freaks and gun lovers their party, and us tree huggers our own party.

    But considering the law of unintended consequences, maybe this wouldn't be such a good thing. I don't know. I'm just thinking out loud here.

    Thinking out loud (none / 0) (#13)
    by Big Tent Democrat on Sun Aug 26, 2007 at 07:44:16 PM EST
    Me too.

    Sounds (none / 0) (#16)
    by tnthorpe on Sun Aug 26, 2007 at 08:38:28 PM EST
    like a return of the Know Nothings, kovie:
    See this from Wiki:
    The Know Nothing movement was a nativist American political movement of the 1850s. It was empowered by popular fears that the country was being overwhelmed by Irish Catholic immigrants, who were often regarded as hostile to American values and controlled by the Pope in Rome. Mainly active from 1854-56, it strove to curb immigration and naturalization, though its efforts met with little success. There were few prominent leaders, and the largely middle-class and Protestant membership fragmented over the issue of slavery, most often joining the Republican Party by the time of the 1860 presidential election.

    I wonder how long such a center would hold now?


    The third party that I was speculating on (none / 0) (#21)
    by kovie on Sun Aug 26, 2007 at 11:03:14 PM EST
    would be the exact opposite of the Know Nothings, since it would be inherently corporatist and non-ideological and thus for globalism, free trade, immigration (legal and illegal, whatever works) and whatever's best for itself, not Americans. It would be anti-populist, whereas the KN's were populist (in their own warped way). If a KN-type party did emerge, it would likely be from whatever was left over from the GOP once the corporatists left it to form their own third party, and those Reagan Democrats who were too dumb to go back to their roots.

    The scenario that I outlined would have two populist parties--a reactionary nativist one on the right, and a liberal progressive one on the left--and a free trade corporatist one in the center. In a sense we already have such a setup, with the GOP containing all of the right-wing and most of the centrist party, and the Democratic party having all of the left-wing and some of the centrist party. My scenario would have this artificial setup split along these inherent fault lines. I'm not saying that this WILL or SHOULD happen, just that if it does happen, this is how it might happen. Or not. Like I said, just thinking out loud.


    Interesting art selection ;-) (none / 0) (#2)
    by andgarden on Sun Aug 26, 2007 at 04:52:30 PM EST
    That the demise of the Whigs was NOT due to their failure to find some "unifying" position on slavery - it was their cowardice in taking a strong stand on slavery that destroyed the Whigs.
    This took me a minute to process, but I think you're on to something. Some issues lack a middle ground and will not go away.