
Countdown's "Worst Person": Rush Limbaugh

Football on NBC tonight cut into Keith Olbermann's debut of Countdown on NBC in many parts of the country. In Denver, the network joined the show in progress at 9:30 pm, after the game.

I did get to see the "Worst Person of the World" segment, which was very good. If you missed it, Crooks and Liars has the video. From the transcript:

Limbaugh: “…..Democrats want to get us out of Iraq, but they can’t wait to get us into Darfur.” He continued: “There are two reasons. What color is the skin of the people in Darfur? It’s black. And who do the Democrats really need to keep voting for them? If they lose a significant percentage of this voting bloc, they’re in trouble.” A caller responded, “The black population,” to which Limbaugh said, “Right.”

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    UN Peacekeeping Missions (1.00 / 0) (#11)
    by diogenes on Mon Aug 27, 2007 at 10:08:40 PM EST
    The UN only sends ineffective peacekeepers when there is already peace, and gives them no backing or armed authority.  The UN didn't do much for any real major genocide or ethnic clensing victims (Darfur stil