John Edwards: Deficit question.hanges needed in this country. This room is filled with people who are about change. Who is the candidate for change? He's not for compromise. Drug comanies and oil companies are not going to voluntarily give away their power. Who is the best candidate for change? It's me. Huge chhers and postitive response.
Richardson: That's a fine speech but Governors have to balance budget. Let's take the war money and spend it on our people. Favors a constitutional amendment to balance the budget. Boos.
Chris Dodd (I missed it, not on purpose.)
(I'm just going to blog on the questions relevant to TalkLeft and reactions and out of the ordinary exchanges.)
Obama and Edwards have a lot of support in this room. It's great to see Dennis Kucinich up there. Every time he speaks I hope the other candidates pick up on some of his ideas. I give him a lot of credit for sticking in this race knowing he can't win. If the other candidates were smart, they'd adopt some of them.
Edwards: What will he do to restore balance among three branches of Government.
He's the one to protect our individual rights and liberties. No secret spying, he'll close Gitmo on Day one...
Edwards on Fire: No money from lobbyists. The place goes totally wild, standing, screaming and cheering. He was drowned out but I think he was criticizing PAC money.
Gravell: He seems so much older here than he does on the other debates. So grandfatherly.
End of domestic session: Now onto Iraq.
Note: McJoan looks beautiful. She's a terrific host. She just flubbed and referred to Bush as President Clinton, lots of blushing.
Question to Hillary: Reminds us that she and two on the stage voted against reauthorization funding. We have to keep the pressure on. If Bush doesn't get us out, I will. She knew Bush wsa not getting making plans to get out of Iraq. They don't want to move the troops out. We need more pressure on Iraqi government. We need more intense diplomatic efforts.
Bill Richardson: I have a one point plan for Iraq. Get out now. Leave no residual forces. Maybe leave a little equipment. Congress needs to deauthorize this war. We can withdraw in 6 months.
Gravell scores with calling for canceling the August recess. Also says bring the troops home now.
Obama: we need to hunt down those who perpetrated 9/11. "By the way they weren't in Iraq." Options now are clear. End our obligations to Iraq and focus on those who killed 3,000 Americans. Al Qaeda is stronger than it was in 2001. Osama is still at large. Shut down Gitmo.
Edwards: America is not safer. President has to find these people where they are.
Question to Hillary about terrorism and anti-American sentiment. She responds, there's a lot of anti-Bush feeling in the world. It's more anti-Bush than it is anti-American.
We are safer because we've strengthened our first responder system but not safe enough. It's a global war against terrorists, not terror. Military force should be the last resort not the first resort.
I hate to admit it, but I'm losing interest. The questions are too long, not pointed and unfocused. There's no attempt to have the candidates distinguish them from each other. Too many platitudes.
New topic: Question from John Pontificator: Will you hire an official White House blogger. Of course, they all raise their hand. Edwards chimes in and says his will be named Elizabeth. Gravell says the President should do it himself.
Update: Hillary explains why she takes PAC money. Some PACs represent real people. No booing, not too many cheers. She says it doesn't influence her votes. Obama disagrees with the idea that PAC money doesn't influence candidates.
Dodd, Hillary and Obama all agree public financing of campaigns is important. Dodd and Obama get big cheers.
It's over. If you missed it, go on over to YKos and watch.
Update: Final thoughts: Edwards and Obama got the most cheers. The crowd also seemed to like Chris Dodd alot. Hillary more than held her own in the debate and was treated with respect. No small feat when you consider many in the audience prefer another candidate.
I'm really glad Joe Biden stayed away. He wasn't missed, at least by me.