Zoe Lofgren argues against the buill for all the reasons we know - it cuts out the FISA Court and empowers the Attorney General to spy on Americans.
Blunt says he is "pleased." Of course he is.
Argues that we need this bill because the terrorists are winning. my paraphrase.
Blunt says we should feel comfortable because the guy who wants to do the spying AND Gonzo want to agree should be sufficient comfort. Then he lies and says the IFSA Court will defend Americans. How can they if they are cut out?
Reyes is the worst specimen I've seen in some time.
Rep. Tierney objects that bill does not protect civil liberties and the 4th Amendment.
Says that this law removes the protection of the FISA courts and puts the power in Gonzo's hands. Attacks the Senate. Says this is not gonna be fixed in 12 days.
Good job by Tierney. Sounds like a No.
Republican Gomer Pyle
(Gohmert) says that civil liberties must give way "in a time of war." Cites, incredibly, self defense as the basis. Then he lies and says Aemrican person won't be surveilled, only furriners.
What a goober.
Nadler, if you trust this President and this dishonest Attorney General to spy on Americans, then you can support this bill. If you do not you must oppose.
Nadler points out that DNI McConnell has made a deal with the House and then Bush vetoed his own DNI.
Nadler points out that this is retroactive leglaization of BushCo illegality.
Issa objects to Nadler's accusation of illegality by the Bush Administration. He should take it up with the FISA court.
Nadler withdraws his "truthful and accurate" statements.
I am enjoying the Republicans calling Dems traitors. It is what they deserve for their capitulation.
Holt - The should be called the Just Trust Gonzo bill.
GOPER Kirk lies and says FISA has not been amended since 1978. That is a flat out lie.
Sheila Jackson Lee - we are shredding the Constitution and putting us in the hands of the dishonest incompetent Alberto Gonzales. Shame on the Senate. Amen.
Lungren - GOP. What a prick. Says DEMS are scaring the American People. What chutzpah.
The Democrats deserve what they get, the cowards.
Lungren promises no Americans will be surveiled, and if they are it be minimized. And it has never happend before. Lies all around.
Eshoo D - the problem is this bill allows the AG to listen in to American citizens calls from overseas. Thus, American citizens cna be listened in on. This is an Admin that acknowldgeed its illegal acts this is a disgraced AG. This should be a matter of law.
Issa is a schmuck.
He contradicts Lungren and says of course we will be listening in to call into the
US. Then he lies and says we were not listening to bin Laden. Excuse me Issa,
Issa: We need this bill so we can leave town. Incredible.
CONYERS - This law DOES allow surveillance of American citizens.
Rogers of the GOP - there is no reverse targetting permitted in this bill. Let's hold him to that. He is not telling the truth.
Rogers says the problem was the Dem bill was not technology neutral. I tell you what, give them the technology language and nothing else. Of course Rogers is a liar.
Reyes says the GOP snookers Dems all the time. No sh*t.
CONYERS - reverse targetting is in the bill by implication because of what is NOT in the bill. "Reasonably believed to be located outside the US" - Conyers' point is that Gonzo can not be trusted to be reasonable.
Flake GOP - troubled by the bill but will support. Calls it an interim measure. Riiiight.
INSLEE - cites Ben Franklin's famous statement about sacrificing liberty for security is left with mneither.
Fossella GOP - Idiot.
SCOTT - DNI accepted Dem bill. We did not pass the bill and here we are. This bill goes too far. etc.
Section 105 is the real problem.
Thornberry GOP - Huh? Does not include electronic surveillance? Say what?
HARMAN - Only a handful, including her, have access to full briefings on TSP. The Senate bill punts on the issue of checking Executive power. And here we are poised to repeat the Senate's mistake. She accepts that the bill wil pass which it will of course.
Wilson - Disgusting.
LANGEVIN - We answered McConnell's call but we also did something the PResident did not ask us to do - protect the civil liberties of American citizens.
Instead we are asked to put pur trust in Alberto Gonzales. That scares me.
WATT - What the American People do understand is the do not want to entrust their rights to Alberto Gonzales.
SCHAKOWSKY - Strongly against.
COHEN - basically taking judges out of the process. When we fear judges, we are in trouble. cites the great Brandeis quote. Gonzo MUST resign.
ELLISON - Reads the 4th Amendment. [Where are the originalists?]
SESTAK - [Resume is impressive.] Seems to be against.
Tiart GOP - Don't hate Gonzo.
Dems are traitors.
WU- More power to Gonzo? That's nuts!
HOYER - Thanks. I'm sorry but we have to sell out our principles. We're scared the GOP will say mean things about us.
Wow1 Hoyer will vote against! good for you Steny! My apologies.
We'll fix it, I promise, sez Hoyer.
I do NOT believe him.
Boehner - Jerk.
WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ - Worse than the Schiavo bill. We do not trust theBush Administration. When do we so no farther. This bill is a victory for the terrorists.
REYES - I am a boob.
CONYERS - This bill fails. Time has expired.
CONCLUSION - Pretty speeches. Brandeis, Franklin and Jefferson were very smart. Too bad no one will follow their advice.