Fox News Accuses US Generals of Betraying Our Troops
Via Glenn Greenwald, Fox News contributor retired Col. David Hunt writes:
Top Military Officials are a Disgrace to Those They Lead Friday , September 28, 2007By Col. David Hunt
Our generals are betraying our soldiers … again
Sorry, but I have to get your attention on this one. In both Afghanistan and Iraq, the United States Army — not the much maligned “LIBERAL PRESS” or BILL CLINTON or the LIBERALS IN CONGRESS — NO, the UNITED STATES MILITARY is prosecuting its soldiers for doing their jobs.
. . . Our generals in both the Army and Marine Corps have cared more about their precious careers and reputations than their soldiers and Marines under them. The Marines have actually prosecuted a Marine for shooting a terrorist too many times and the Army — well, the Army has the Pat Tillman tragedy, the Abu Graib disaster and many more to answer for, and now these courts martial. . . .
I condemn this offensive smear. Will the Right? Will the GOP? Don't hold your breath.
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