
Weekend Open Thread and Diary Rescue

If you're by a computer today and have something to say, here's a place.

If you'd like to post a diary, cross-posting is fine,I'll be back later to add a link here. Basic rules for diarists are here. If you don't yet have "diarist" status on TalkLeft, send me an e-mail and I'll adjust your permissions.

From the past few days:

What I'm thinking about today: Oprah's fund-raising for Obama. Does she have enough clout to sway an election? What do you think?

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    What are Oprah's ratings in Iowa? (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by Big Tent Democrat on Sat Sep 08, 2007 at 12:07:20 PM EST
    Oprah is actually a distraction for Obama now emphasizing the worst part of his candidacy and making it APPEAR substanceless.

    David Axelrod has done a HORRIBLE job for Obama. He should be canned.