Republican S.C. Debate - Live Thread
Is anyone watching the Republican debate on Fox News? It just started and Ron Paul is there. They started with the stories on the network news tonight that we are headed to a recession. They all deny it and talk about cutting spending.
Update: Papa Fred must have had a double Starbucks before the debate. He's actually somewhat lively and cracks a few one-liners (all things being relative, of course.)
Update: the highlight so far. Britt Hume asked the candidates whether the Navy commander in the Strait of Hormuz incident in the Persian Gulf made the right decision. McCain, Thompson, Giuliani answered in sync. Then Ron Paul went on the offensive, saying he was disturbed about what he was hearing and that hewould be much more cautious because the voice on the ship radio might not have been the enemy.
Britt Hume stopped him after a minute or so and asked him what he was talking about because the other candidates had praised the Navy commander for using caution. (Hume might have well have said "What planet are you on?)
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