Everybody Goes to Church on Sunday
Update: Obama has sent out a new mailer in South Carolina. Take a look (pdf.) Is he vying with Huckabee for the religious vote? He uses the phrases "Called to Christ," "Committed Christian" and says he will be guided by prayer in office. There's even a photo of him with a large cross behind him.
Hillary Clinton spoke in Harlem at the Abyssinian Baptist Church. She has been endorsed by its minister, the Rev. Calvin Butts.
Bill Clinton spoke at Harlem's Convent Avenue Baptist Church.
Barack Obama spoke at Ebeneezer Baptist Church, in Atlanta. It's the church where Martin Luther King, Jr. presented his sermons from 1960 to 1968. Bill Clinton will speak there tomorrow.
Chelsea Clinton and Michelle Obama attended the same church service in South Carolina. Neither spoke during the service although both were introduced and applauded. Darrell Jackson, the church pastor who delivered the sermon, is a a state senator and paid Hillary campaign advisor.
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