Republican Florida Debate Live Blog: Part One
Posted on Thu Jan 24, 2008 at 08:08:16 PM EST
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The debate starts with a discussion of the stimulus package announced today.
Romney liked it want to go further. Not enough tax cuts.
More on the flip.
McCain. I want to cut taxes more. I voted twice to make the Bush tax cuts permanent.
Rudy. I want to abolish taxes. (Not really but almost.)
Timmah asks McCain about his statement that he does not know much about economics. McCain says I do to know about economics. Ronald Reagan!
Huck. I balanced budgets AND I hate the Chinese.
Romney. I balanced the budgets. Worked with Democrats. Massachusetts is a model. Attacks McCain for voting against Bush tax cuts and for voting against making them permanent. I am a private sector businessman and I know about business.
Timmy asks McCain if Romney raised taxes when he raised fees. McCain says yes. Then pivots and talks about restraining spending. If Bush had listened to me, we could have further tax cuts.
The theme of the night, if you missed it, is TAX CUTS!!!!!!!!
Ron Paul. You want to cut spending - end the Iraq Debacle! Hey, I like that. Uh oh. I voted against Sarbanes-Oxley.
BTW, so far, do you notice anything different from a Democratic debate involving Airhead and Timmah?
I have no idea what Rudy is babbling about. Sorry.
Timmah - which party better on the economy, Dem up 18 in NBC poll. Ticks off W's failures.
McCain. Dems will increase spending. Increase taxes. Republicans to blame for something or other. Blasts pork barrel bills. A Bridge to Nowhere. I will veto those bills. I will impose fiscal restraint. I hate China too!
Query for McCain. Pork barrel spending is not the casue of the deficit. Explain how you will balance the budget.
Huck. I was not in Washington. Timmah, so it is Bush's fault. Not just Bush. Congress too. My opponents said a few months ago the economy was great. I was the lone voice saying if you are at the top that is true, but not for the rest of America. Sounds his populist theme. And say he could tell the economy was in trouble because those folks were hurting.
Timmah asks Romney if the bush record is one to run on? Romney repeats his businessman mantra and says he'll run away from that "Washington" record. Romney hits on anti-Washington theme.
Rudy brags about "turning NYC's economy around." That is a bald faced lie. The stock market boom, fueled by PResident Clinton's policies, is what turned NYC's economy around. A Mayor has no effect, none, on the NYC economy. His line is nonsense.
McCain on Iraq. We'll be there for a hundred years. (Not really.) Al Qaida!! We're defending freedom!! What a crock. He is a clown. Sorry J., on this issue I can not be civil.
Romney asked about the size of the Army and the recommendation to double its size. He wants to expand iut by 100,000, diffferent than the 400k mentioned. Discusses how he raised the level of national guard in Massachusetts. Romney says Dems want to cut and run.
I guess they want to run on the Iraq Debacle. I do not know exactly what Mittster is talking about, but attackig Hillary is always a winner in a GOP debate. Also at daily kos . . .
Will you run on the Iraq Debacle?
McCain, I slammed Rumsfeld. The war was right and now we are going the right way because of those 21,000 troops we have surged. This man is a fool.
Rudy, I hate Hillary TOO!!! Timmah, I was for it, I am for it, I will be for it. but remember, I HATE Hillary Clinton!!
Ron Paul - You know what he thinks. He hates the Clintons too!
Huck, I love the war, there was a "potential" of WMD. We did not find the weapons does not mean they were not there. What a loon. Just because we made a huge mistake, gosh darn it, that does not mean we admit that and stop making that same mistake.
Mittster - same song, different singer.
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