Tweety Hates Hillary
In case you did not know. Just compared her to Freddy Krueger. Compare, as others have, to how all McCain needs is well NOTHING, in Iowa to be the Comeback Kid. It would be funny if it was not so pathetic.
One thing I have noticed watching the coverage, NOT ONE NETWORK has focused on the most important issue tonight - will Independents and Republicans turn out for Obama. Tweety even said that if Hillary gets 30% that means 7 of 10 Democrats will have rejected her. forget the fact that a vote for Obama is NOT likely to be seen be all as a vote against Hillary, the DMR poll says that 45% of caucusgoers will NOT be Democrats!
And poor Edwards. Peter Fenn said that EVEN IF EDWARDS WINS he is in deep trouble. Oy!
Obama and McCain the clear Media Darlings tonight no matter what. Ah the Media.
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