
More Obama Endorsements

Update: Houston Chronicle:

Perhaps the worst mistake McCain made in his campaign for the White House was the choice of the inexperienced and inflammatory Palin as his vice-presidential running mate. Had he selected a moderate, experienced Republican lawmaker such as Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison with a strong appeal to independents, the Chronicle's choice for an endorsement would have been far more difficult.

...Back in the spring, Obama's sentiments seemed more a hope than reality. Since then, we have watched him grow in the roles of candidate and leader, maintaining grace under fire without resorting to political expediency. He is by far the best choice to deliver the changes that Americans demand.

The Detroit Free Press: [More...]

One of his greatest miscalculations was the selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate, a pick McCain made after just two meetings and a phone call with the Alaska governor, not yet two years into her first term.

Palin was exciting initially, a potential voice for change, and someone who shared McCain's "maverick" sensibilities. But in the weeks since her selection, she has been revealed as not much more than a sideshow, someone with very limited range on issues and almost none of the depth expected in a cabinet secretary, let alone vice president, or president.

On Obama:

[H]is judgment, across the board, is what makes BARACK OBAMA the stronger candidate to be America's 44th president.

Portland Oregonian:

Obama has the best chance, and the best abilities, to rebuild an American economy that has grown dangerously unstable, with government, consumers and the nation itself spiraling deeply into debt and selling off the national future to pay for daily expenses. He is the best choice to rebuild the American position in the world, to restore our ties with traditional allies, to re-make the American argument to the rest of the world.

Contrasting Obama and McCain on their first important judgment as nominees:

Two particular issues, on presidential-level appointments, reinforce our endorsement.

In the first major choice made by any nominee, Obama showed considerably better judgment. His pick for running mate, Joe Biden, has an extensive background, especially in foreign policy, and the clear capacity to be a significant asset to an Obama administration, much as Al Gore was to Bill Clinton.

McCain's choice, in stunning contrast, has a background of a year and a half as governor of Alaska, and has claimed, with a straight face, that she has national security credentials because from Alaska you can see Russia. Supporting her, McCain has offered the equally jaw-dropping claim that Sarah Palin knows more about energy than anyone else in the United States.

Having Palin a heartbeat from the presidency makes our own heart miss a beat. [Emphasis supplied.]

Sarah Palin will go down as the biggest miscalculation by a presidential candidate in decades.

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    Palin is not the reason... (none / 0) (#1)
    by citizen53 on Sun Oct 19, 2008 at 12:45:52 PM EST
    Obama will win.  He is a better candidate than McCain under any circumstance, and the financial situation makes it so ANY Democrat would win.

    Will Obama really offer change, however?

    The Election (none / 0) (#3)
    by zvs888 on Sun Oct 19, 2008 at 12:51:28 PM EST
    Has never been about McCain.

    It's just been about Obama making voters comfortable with him.

    The Dems managed an 8 point national edge in 2006; they're going to have that again in the Congressional races.

    The issue was always whether he'd manage to get the Democratic edge.

    The problem McCain has had is that he's just a sideshow.  Independent voters are unhappy with the GOP, they just need the Democratic candidate to let them know its okay to vote for that ticket.


    I will take the Detroit Free Press endorsement (none / 0) (#2)
    by samtaylor2 on Sun Oct 19, 2008 at 12:48:27 PM EST
    It doesn't change the fact that our 2 papers aren't worth the paper they are printed on.  

    Detroit Newspapers (none / 0) (#4)
    by jsj20002 on Sun Oct 19, 2008 at 04:20:19 PM EST
    I have to agree.  Why don't your start reading the Traverse City Record-Eagle on line?  You would be amazed how much real news you can gather in just a few pages.  Up North, the R-E has a well deserved reputation for seeking out corruption in local government and for having a real balance in political coverage.  

    Thanks will do (none / 0) (#6)
    by samtaylor2 on Sun Oct 19, 2008 at 06:32:12 PM EST
    Palm Beach Post (none / 0) (#5)
    by CoralGables on Sun Oct 19, 2008 at 06:00:46 PM EST
    Not surprising, as one of the three southern DEM counties in Florida the Palm Beach Post endorses Obama.

    "...John McCain likes to say that he has been tested. In this campaign, he has been. And he has come up short. He has sounded like a bitter, jealous old man who considers himself entitled to the presidency. Washington can break optimism the way dry farmland can break plows, but Barack Obama still sounds like the candidate who talked about change when he began his campaign. He was right then. He's right now. That's why he's the right choice for America."

    Obama's endorsements (none / 0) (#7)
    by OisforOpportunist on Mon Oct 20, 2008 at 09:20:41 AM EST
    Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama is particularly nauseating and revelatory of Obama's campaign and Obama's rank opportunism and careerism. Powell has always been a particularly sycophantic servant of the ruing class, specially of the Bush clan's interests. From the My Lai massacre cover-up, to the Gulf War No.1, Gulf War No.2, Afghanistan, etc., etc. etc. he has been an obedient executor of his masters' will. UN speech, anyone?

    I am red in the face with indignation about the bunch of extremely naive, so called progressive and liberals who suported Obama against Hillary Clinton because of his "opposition to the war". Chumps, chumps, chumps!!!

    For a leftist view on this subject you should go to:


    It's definitely an interesting analysis.