The Polls - 10/30
I voted this morning. The line was pretty long - it took an hour. I'll violate the sanctity of the secret ballot and tell you I voted straight Democratic. I tell you this story in the daily "Polls" post because in the DKos/R2000 daily tracking poll (which has Obama by 5, 50-45, with 1% undecided, Barr gets 1, Nader gets 1 and "Other" gets 2) John McCain is drawing 92% of the Republican vote while Obama gets 5% of the Republican vote. See how well the Post Partisan Unity Schtick worked? For comparison, John Kerry got 6% of the Republican vote (Bush got 93% of the GOP vote in 2004.) This same poll has Obama slightly outperforming Kerry in 2004 among Dems and Independents. The difference is there are many more Dems and Independents in the 2008 electorate.
Among the other polls, Ras has Obama by 5, 51-46. Battleground has, for the umpteenth straight day, Obama by 3, 49-46. ABC/WaPo has Obama by 8, 52-44. Hotline has Obama by 7, 49-42. Gallup Expanded has Obama by 7, 51-44.
By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only
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