The Debate: The Economy
While John McCain is erratic, angry and desperate about his own political fortunes as opposed to the country's problems (country first, my ass), the American People are angry and desperate about the economy.
Tonight's debate/town hall is a chance for Barack Obama to explain, argue for and detail how he will help Main Street, homeowners and ordinary Americans in this time of economic distress. Yesterday, John McCain flip flopped - after first saying "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" he now says "this is the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression" (and he would know). Of course John McCain is more interested in talking about the Weather Underground than the economy. This is not surprising as he admits himself he knows nothing about the economy.
Barack Obama needs to tell the American People what he will do to help us through these tough times, how he will help Main Street. John McCain is a prop tonight. What we need to hear is Obama have a conversation with the American People about what matters. I hope he does it.
by Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only
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