In addition, the Clinton campaign MUST drop all discussion of super delegates, pledged delegates, Florida, Michigan and all the rest. That discussion must wait until after Clinton has won some recent primaries. Stow the inside baseball discussion.
There are two good reason for this. Number one, they do not matter if Clinton does not win. But number 2 is more important. In order to alter the Clinton Rules, the Media must be forced to discuss the prospect of an Obama Presidency and what that would mean. As someone mentioned in a comment last night, the Media will never be for Clinton. Now they must face the question of whether they will be 100% for Obama. As a Democrat, I plan to try and hold them to the Obama Rules. But for Clinton, her chance of victory comes IF the Media changes those rules. But that development is out of her hands. Even more, if she goes negative, they will be reinforced even more ruthlessly.
If the Obama Rules are rendered inoperative the next two weeks, it will take the McCain campaign and the Right Wing Noise Machine to do it. One of the truly funny ironies of this campaign season is that the GOP and the Right Wing Noise Machine have snookered themselves. They were so busy cheering Obama on in his battle against the Wicked Witch that they helped create the Obama Rules. Apparently they were confident that that Clinton would emerge the winner. They turned Obama into a great dragon slayer. The appreciation of Clinton Haters throughout the country was assured. And since that contingent includes the Media, they are now stuck. It will be very difficult for them to turn this around.
The Obama campaign has provided some fodder for such an attempt. Michelle Obama's statement on having never been proud of the US in her adult life until Obama did well in this contest is the most obvious blunder. Watch to see if that story has legs. Then we will know if the Obama Rules have been weakened.
Finally, a word to Obama supporters, particularly the blogcentric ones. It is time to consider that half of the Democratic Party still likes Hillary Clinton very much. Dancing on her political grave does no good for the conquering hero. A little graciousness goes a long way.