Rewriting Dean's Legacy
By Big Tent Democrat
While some worry about the DLC jumping on the Obama bandwagon, I find the old Deaniacs now jumping on the bandwagon as the much more hilarious phenomenon. This Ari Berman article is a hoot. Look at supposed Edwards operative Joe Trippi do the Obama two step:
[A] number of his top supporters believe the Clinton-Obama contest has become a referendum on the kind of grassroots party building and citizen empowerment Dean pioneered as a presidential candidate and continued as DNC chair. On that issue most Deaniacs, not surprisingly, side with Obama. "Ever since the TV era began in 1960, every single presidential campaign in America has been top-down," says Joe Trippi, Dean's '04 campaign guru and an adviser to John Edwards before he dropped out of the race. "Only two have been bottom-up. One was Dean. The other is Obama."
This so trivializes what Dean REALLY did in 2003, that I am insulted on his behalf. There was SUBSTANCE to the Dean Revolution. It was about Democrats being proud to be Democrats again and standing up for Democratic values. Apparently, that had nothing to do with Joe Trippi. Does anyone remember this?
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