The Big Problem With "Bittergate" Was Not The "Bitter"
By Big Tent Democrat
At TAPPED, the "Creative Class" defense of Obama's gaffe continues (psst, citing Harvard intellectual Robert Reich is not the answer either):
[A] salient quote from Bill Clinton's My Life:If [Republicans] could cut funding for Medicare, Medicaid, education, and the environment, middle-class Americans would see fewer benefits from their tax dollars, feel more resentful paying taxes, and become even more receptive to their appeals for tax cuts and their strategy of waging campaigns on divisive social and cultural issues like abortion, gay rights, and guns.
The "Creative Class" reaction? "I do think Obama's words were poorly chosen, but I don't think they merit "Bittergate" as we're seeing it play out." Um, what part of Obama's Gaffe is left out? This:
So it's not surprising then that they [rural voters] get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
(Emphasis supplied.) Time for the "Creative Class" to give this up. It was a gaffe. Obama has expressed regret. Time to try and move on.
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