Hillary's Victory Speech in Kentucky
She's starting now. I'll live-blog.
She's grateful. I want to say a special word about Ted Kennedy. He is one of the greatest progressive leaders in our party's history. He's my friend and inspiration and he's a hero to millions whose lives he has bettered. I'm proud to have stood by him in the Senate to provide health care and prevent discrimination against the sick. But that's just a snippet of his five decades in public service. He's been with us for our fight and we are with him for his.Tonight we've achieved an important victory. Some of have said the campaign is over, your vote doesn't count. That didn't stop you. You've never given up on me because you know I'll never give up on you.
This is one of the closest races in modern history. We're winning the popular vote and I'm more determined than ever to keep going.[ More...]
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