There are almost 200 superdelegates yet to weigh in. There is no requirement for them to give more weight to the pledged delegate total than the popular vote total. While they may be hesitant to go just with electability, those who believe Hillary is both the popular vote winner and the more electable against John McCain should not hesitate to choose Hillary when all the votes have been counted after June 3.
Superdelegates who declared for Obama early, thinking FL and MI wouldn't count, or before the votes in every state and territory were cast, are free to change their mind up until the convention.
I hope those who haven't yet decided wait until all the votes are in before making a choice. This is a two person race. It is not over. One candidate will have won the pledged delegates and the other may well win the popular vote.
At that point, the electoral map must be considered by superdelegates. Who can best win against John McCain? Those superdelegates who believe that Ohio, PA and/or Florida are critical, should pick Hillary.
Here are the calculations six different ways:
Popular Vote (w/FL and MI but without estimates for the caucuses in IA, NV, ME, WA that didn't take attendance)
- Hillary: 17,426,809
Obama: 17,262,155
(Hillary + 164,654)
Popular Vote (w/FL and MI and estimates for the caucuses in IA, NV, ME, WA that didn't take attendance)
- Hillary: 17,650,671
Obama: 17,596,239
(Hillary: + 54,432)
Popular Vote Total Without Florida, Michigan and the caucuses that didn't take attendance:
- Hillary 16,227,514
Obama 16,685,941
(Obama + 458,427)
Popular Vote Without Florida and Michigan, but with estimates for the caucuses in
IA, NV, ME, WA that didn't take attendance:
- Hillary: 16,451,376
Obama: 17,020,025
(Obama + 568,649)
Popular Vote (w/FL, without MI or estimates for the caucuses in
IA, NV, ME, WA that didn't take attendance)
- Hillary: 17,098,500
Obama: 17,262,155
(Obama + 163,655)
Popular Vote With Florida, without Michigan, but with estimates for the caucuses in
IA, NV, ME, WA that didn't take attendance:
- Hillary: 17,322,362
Obama: 17,596,239
(Obama + 273,877)
Additional calculations by Jay Cost of RCP are here. It's only current to May 7 and includes options for the Washington Primary, but not the Nebraska primary, where Hillary did much better than she did in the state's caucuses.
Here's the latest graphs from Jay Cost on Hillary and Obama's respective voting coalitions, as of May 23.