Weds. Open Thread
Here's a place to continue the discussion.
Please stop commenting when the comments reach 200. Our servers cannot handle more than that.
Don't be a blogclogger, be civil and remember we are not discussing anticipated smears on any candidates or their family members.
This space is for your comments, not for reprinting articles from elsewhere, press releases etc. Don't try to use TalkLeft as an organizing ground for your pet causes or movements. It's a site for news, discussion, commentary and analysis. Don't put email addresses and phone numbers and long lists of contacts in the contacts. We don't have the bandwidth and no one is interested in scrolling through them.
I'll be cleaning the threads as I have time, don't bother responding to the violators, just point them out.
Comments now closed. As for those of you who disregarded my repeated warnings the past three days not to comment about anticipated smears on any candidates or their family members, your comments have been deleted and you are probably now banned from the site.
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