Is This What It Means To Be An Obama "Progressive?"
I am an Obama supporter. Who could not be when McCain is the other choice? But pols are pols and do what they do. That's why I rip them all when they do the wrong thing, by my lights. For example, as Obama did on FISA Capitulation. But a new breed of Democrat and "progressive" is emerging. Glenn's Greenwald's interview with Mort Halperin allows us to coin a new phrase - a Halperin "Progressive." What is a "Halperin" progressive? One who decides what the right position is for progressives based on what Barack Obama does. Glenn writes:
[T]here was only one meaningful change that occurred between Halperin's June 9 opposition [to FISA Capitulation] and his July 8 support [for FISA Capitualtion]: namely, it was in that interim -- on June 20 -- that Barack Obama announced that he would support the FISA bill . . .
There are many "progressive" blogs and Obama supporters who are Halperin "progressives." I am not one of them.
By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only
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