Barr Has Strategy to Win Texas
The only way for Bob Barr to win a state is to remove John McCain and Barack Obama from the ballot. Barr is giving that strategy a try in Texas.
Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party's nominee for president, has filed a lawsuit in Texas demanding Senators John McCain and Barack Obama be removed from the ballot after they missed the official filing deadline. "The seriousness of this issue is self-evident," the lawsuit states. "The hubris of the major parties has risen to such a level that they do not believe that the election laws of the State of Texas apply to them."
Barr thinks the two major party candidates missed state-imposed deadlines to be certified as their party's candidate and should therefore be removed from the Texas ballot. Neither candidate was nominated in time to be certified as the party's nominee. The likelihood that a court will allow Barr to tamper with a federal election because candidates failed to satisfy an impossible requirement of state law is not high.
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