Ground Forces Enter Pakistan
President Bush can't (and won't) do much about the economy before November. Is he trying to change the national conversation?
Two helicopters carrying American-led forces landed in a Pakistani village in South Waziristan near the border with Afghanistan in the early hours of Wednesday morning and the soldiers opened fire on villagers, killing seven people, according to a spokesman for the Pakistani military.
There are legitimate reasons to pursue Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Perhaps NATO and the American military had strong intelligence to justify this incursion. Perhaps not. If it is true that soldiers "opened fire on villagers," however, there had better be strong evidence that they knew they weren't shooting innocent people. And there had better be strong evidence that this wasn't a ploy to focus voters on national security issues, the one area in which John McCain is perceived to have some strength (despite his questionable knowledge of modern geography), in order to influence the election.
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